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  1. robro

    How's my first grow look?

    Excellent for your first grow,well done.Good luck for the rest of it.
  2. robro


    In general autos need less nutes and more light than photos. They will flower on any light cycle,even 24/0,its in their Ruderalis (auto) gene. The more light the bigger the yield for autos,but a bigger electric bill too. I found this link helpfull when i started growing autos...
  3. robro

    newbie needs help

    Hard to tell from your pic,but has there been any burning from you feeding urine yesterday? and i just pee'd on my plants with a little purfied water mix is that too early???? NULL
  4. robro

    couple of days

    Way too early,seedlings dnt need nutes for the first 2 or 3 weeks. I start to feed when the cotyledon leaves start going yellow,and i grow in coco which has no nutes. Do you know whats in your soil?I would guess there are nutes in it from that green stuff thats mixed in.Could be that your soil...
  5. robro

    IS this a sulphar problem or something esle?

    Looks like an Iron def. which might have someting to do with your cold night temps interfering with nute absorption.High ph will cause it too,but you should be ok at 5.9-6.0. in coco.
  6. robro

    Newbie's please do not germinate you seeds in paper towles. Better Way..

    I was always terrified of damaging delicate taproots when using the PTM.These beans arnt cheap.The human error factor is always there when using this method. Now i just put em in a coco plug in a propogator,and if the seed is a viable one,3 days later i have a sprout. Both methods work,but...
  7. robro

    The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

    Heres the latest info,apparrently he can be transferred now.
  8. robro

    The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

    I cant argue with that DGT.
  9. robro

    The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

    4 month ban and banned from all football activity in that time.So no transfer allowed. Could have been a lot worse i suppose.I
  10. robro

    The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

    Interesting link. Gazza was looking well before England were put out.Could be a different story now. The Saurez thing has taken a lot of publicity away from the England team doing badly. England players should be gratefull to Luis. Lets hope he can get help and continue to amaze football fans...
  11. robro

    The Luis Suarez appreciation thread.

    Luis Saurez is not the first genius in his field to show signs of madness. The self destruct button is common in genius footballers Maradonna,Best and Gascoigne are good examples. They need professional help,which Sarez was getting at Anfield but obviously didnt work,or he needs longer to...
  12. robro

    My first legitimate grow / Introduction to the board

    Looking great ,nice job. Should look awesome in 3 weeks time. Good luck pal.
  13. robro

    Flower guidelines

    Is this the one?
  14. robro

    Best organic nutrients for vegging and flowering?

    As advised by Nullis above,Aerated Compost Teas are worth looking into.Heres a link to get you started- You can make teas with nettles,comfrey,dandelion and many other plants that you can get for free if you have access to the countryside.Or...
  15. robro

    soilless mix what type of notes 2 use??

    Yes,you shud be using hydro nutes in promix hp. for best results.
  16. robro

    making feminized seeds

    Hope this link helps ya bid.Good luck.
  17. robro

    Autoflower chronic ryder has Thin stem and short leaves

    IMO the damage has been done,and you dnt get a second chance once theyre stunted. Probs best just to start again,sorry mate.Or grow her out just to see what she does. Im no expert tho,so i could easily be wrong.
  18. robro

    Autoflower chronic ryder has Thin stem and short leaves

    So your plant was small before you added fertiliser and compost? Shes small for 4 weeks even. So there could be something in your medium to start with.Did you flush/rinse your coco before use? Coco can contain a lot of salts even if the seller says its washed.This salt can stunt your young plant...
  19. robro

    Autoflower chronic ryder has Thin stem and short leaves

    At 6 weeks she should be a lot bigger than that. My guess is that shes stunted coz of too many nutes in your medium too early. once they are stunted they stay stunted IME and wnt yield a lot.
  20. robro

    Yellowing Leaves..Need flushing?

    Are you supplementing your coco with cal/mag? I didnt see you mention any above. Coco has a tendency to hold on to cal and mag,so needs supplemented. Good luck.