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  1. S

    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    Thanks, its been working well so far. Definitely the best looking plants and are growing much faster than any of my previous attempts. We'll see how they hold up as they go later in to flowering. I am probably gonna try 2g pots for the next group of plants to see if they work better.
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    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    I flipped to 12/12 last monday so plants have been flowering for a week now. Found 2 males, so pulled them. Found another 3 plants that look like they will be male but want to give another day or 2 to confirm. Hoping at least 10 of the 18 will be female. Plants are 18-20" tall for reference.
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    More bad news for edibles...

    Been out to 14er several times and never saw any pills available. Is this something you have to ask for or is it just not available all the time? Glad to see them enforcing standards that I had assumed would already be in place. Haven't bought any edibles in a long time after reading about...
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    Im not sure how you extract it from a plant. I use some aloe juice that I mix from powder I bought from buildasoil at 1/4c per gallon for watering. From their page: Aloe has two main properties that we are interested in for growing plants. #1 Salycilic Acid: Makes this dry powder excellent...
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    Confused about the growing laws

    I guess thats where we disagree. I dont think the reply would be different, any "clone", as they have defined it, would still count towards your total count...I think. Obviously this is just my interpretation of the rules and by no means am I saying that I am right with any real certainty, but...
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    Confused about the growing laws

    I have read it several times, and I still dont get it. I hope you're right, would love to not count clones, but Im just not seeing it. Here is excerpt: When is a plant counted as a plant if it is just cloned in a rockwool cube? Pursuant to Rule 1.205(c)(1), a plant is considered part of a...
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    Confused about the growing laws

    The rules in that link you posted state "clones" count towards your plant count. So I dont see why it matters if its a clone or a plant. What am I misreading here?
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    Confused about the growing laws

    So you're saying that aeroponic cloners are ok, because they dont consider plain water a growing medium? Clones that are in rockwool would count against your plant count? Do you have a link to the definition of "growing medium"? Couldn't find one searching through google.
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    Confused about the growing laws

    Are you saying that "clones" dont count against your plant count?? I read that whole letter. The part talking about container size is just defining the term "clone" legally. Right after that definition it says: "Pursuant to the following rules a "clone" must be considered as part of, or...
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    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    Some updated pics, will be switching these in to flowering in the next day or 2:
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    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    Plants are exactly 6 weeks old today from the time I started germination of the seeds. They were topped above 2nd node about 1.5 weeks ago. I started my next batch of seeds (actually started them last Friday). 1 strain from Rare Dankness and 3 from 14er Holistics: 4 x Jennys Kush (Amnesia...
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    Dont know much about aquaponics, but came across this article the other day on a seaweed farm in Austin, TX that uses aquaponics. They grow tomatoes, seaweed and also raise certain types of fish for sale to local restaurants. Pretty intresting setup, I thought and looks like they get good...
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    Silica and cannabis

    I started using some silica on my latest grow. Hard to say how much effect its having since I changed up a lot of things about my grow but so far they look really good. If anyone is looking for some cheap silica you can get 1Lb of powder here for 14 bucks, which will make around 3 quarts of...
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    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    Some pics from today, plants are starting to grow much faster. Still see some small leaf curling on a few of the plants, but most have adjusted well to the new soil and are looking really healthy. The wick system seems to be working well so far. The soil isn't too wet anymore after I reduced...
  15. S

    Getting ready to mix my first organic soil, input please

    You're gonna need a lot more than that or you can add compost. You dont have to use equal parts, but you have over 10 times the amount of peat moss. The EWC/Compost is that part that contains the microbial life you want to develop in your soil. Try and get at least 8 more cu ft of EWC or...
  16. S

    Getting ready to mix my first organic soil, input please

    I would add some more perlite. I dont see any listed outside of what is in the promix. I used equal parts peat moss/perlite/EWC and/or Compost for mine. Based on whats in that ProMix, you only have 2-3Cu Ft of perlite and 9-10 cu ft of peat moss. I'd add at least 1 of those 3.5 cu ft bags...
  17. S

    100% Organic Hydro GH Jack Herer

    So you have to water the top soil separately and then you have hydro (flood and drain) for the lower roots. Is that right? You're control plant, is it just in soil with no attachment to the hydro portion of your setup?
  18. S

    Getting ready to mix my first organic soil, input please

    I would get some kelp and alfalfa meal if you can and add some of that in place of some of blood/bone meal. You can see recipe I used for my soil in my sig if you're interested.
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    First attempt at an Organic grow with self watering system

    The soil was staying a little too moist for so I replaced the big pieces of felt with a 3" wide strip for each pot. The fabric pots are 6" across so theres much less contact with the felt. Hope this will allow more airflow and the bottom of the pots to not be quite as wet.
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    sativas ?

    Have you grown in an organic soil using water only and no bottled nutrients? It doesn't sound like you know much about it at all from that statement. Read this description of this companys living organic soil: "KIS Organic Soil Mix is a...