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  1. S

    High ph.. (didnt know) and spots.some dark some lighter.not on new leaves tho so

    Isn't drain to waste for something like an ebb and flow. Aerocloner and dwc would be recirculating Lol, you must have some terrible water coming in to your house. Most people dont need to worry about going through all that trouble and their tap water is not going to kill the plants. What...
  2. S

    Nute burn or deficiency?

    You dont flush plants for a deficiency. You flush them when nutes have built up and theres too much in the soil. You have been not giving your plants enough N so I would not expect there to be a build up. If you dont over fertilize and get some runoff with your waterings you shouldn't have to...
  3. S

    Nute burn or deficiency?

    No, dont worry about your ph. You dont need to measure anything with soil, unless its a really crappy soil. Any decent soil you buy, you should not have to worry about ph. Not saying you cant have ph issues in soil, but I'm 100% sure its not your issue. The schedule you're following...
  4. S

    Copper deficiency?

    The leaves are yellowing from the base outwards it looks like. So dont think it is lack of N. Are there any brown spots showing up? Can you put a picture up of the whole plant? I'd try to find a fertilizer that contains all the micro's and give it a little bit of that.
  5. S

    Nute burn or deficiency?

    THe skunk strain look fine. Theres some slight yellowing, but its the older leaves. They wont recover from that. You should check the new growth which looks fine in those pics. The ice strain is definitely a deficiency. Flushing was probably counterproductive. You didn't mention what your...
  6. S

    Nute burn or deficiency?

    Im not sure what you're problem is, but I doubt it's a PH issue. You're in soil so ignore all the people telling you that this is caused by low PH. I have never once checked my ph in my soil grows. Seems like people just shout PH if they're not really sure what the actual problem is. Can...
  7. S

    ~Just For FUN~ Which plant is healthier?

    the one in the purple bucket looks better to me.
  8. S

    Edible manufacturers lying about THC %

    The price on edibles is pretty high for what you get, assuming it even has the full dose. Knowing that most are below by this much is ridiculous. I've had a few bars of the cheeba chews and they seemed consistent from bar to bar. No idea if it was actually 100mg but I was satisfied with...
  9. S

    Bagseed trichome Q: will they EVER appear in significant numbers?

    Its mostly genetics some will naturally have higher trichome production. Your plants have a lot of yellow leaves. If you keep your leaves green, you'll have better results. Try mixing in a higher N nutrient instead of only using the GO Bloom. The high P & K are causing the yellowing.
  10. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    That was a quick turn around.
  11. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    LOL. Come on man. incomplete liquid synthetic....what on earth does that mean. They're both synthetic as you put it. Dynagro's own website shows soil based plants and makes little mention of hydroponics. Straight from Dyna-gro: "Ordinary fertilizers only supply part of the minerals plants...
  12. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    What the fuck are you talking about. Jacks is a synthetic nutrient too. Only difference is one is in powder and one is liquid. Edit: Also go look at dynagro webpage. Plenty of pictures of soil based plants. I dont see any mention of hydroponics on there. If you look product is called...
  13. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    Pretty sure you could do that for every fertilizer and get all the individual components for much cheaper so what? One is still a better value and shows DGs idea of value vs AN. Its not like this is the only AN product that is overpriced, the whole lineup is like this. Yes, I stick to soil...
  14. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    The biggest problem people have with AN is that they are a rip off, not that they dont contain the same things as other lines. Im sure you can get good results with them, but you can save a lot of money and get the same or better results. This Rhino Skin is a perfect example of that. Lets do...
  15. S

    Does she look ok?

    OP, what is the problem here? You said the color looks off for a plant so young. I dont really know what that means can you explain. Your plants look fine to me. Dont see any issues with coloring. Just let them grow.
  16. S

    Sprouts drooping over

    Another piece of great advice. Do you just go around responding to every thread you see? His plants dont look too wet or too hot. He said he pointed a fan directly on them. Looks like that is the problem to me. They should recover if he takes the fan directly off of them.
  17. S

    green217's 1st indoor experience(1000watt organic)

    Huh? What do you mean consolidate? Did you look at the pics? The plants are right next to each other. OP, I wouldn't worry too much. They look a little stretchy but you can bury some of that stem when you pot up. I would wait a little while before doing that. At least another week. Try...
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    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    So your basing this on the fact that you dont have a meter? I would bet you that using tap water is not your real issue
  19. S

    NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

    Why do you think the tapwater is your issue?
  20. S

    AN or Humbolt Nutrients?

    Obviously you aren't required, but they sure do imply with their feeding schedules that you should use the whole line up of nutes. Why do I need to re-evaluate my growing ability? Im just stating what AN and other similar companies have listed for their schedule. The GH kit I bought came with...