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  1. skolar182

    Strains I've sampled this year of being legal :) *PICS*

    Both were very nice! I would have to say...overall out of everything listed up there... my favorites were Blue Dream, Jack The Ripper, and Apollo 13. I'll try to do this again next year :) :)
  2. skolar182

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    Right on man, I actually got my seeds from the dispensaries I go to. I was "lucky" to come across a few gems here and there. I just posted a thread with some of the strains I got my hands on to this year...
  3. skolar182

    Would you join NORML if it meant a discount on meds?

    It really depends on which dispensary you go to, and they're not all rip offs. I grow my own too, but sometimes it's nice to have a wide selection and a wide variety, as opposed to the few different strains I grow at I time. And I would much rather spend my money at a dispensary which goes...
  4. skolar182

    First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed

    Just tuning in and saying they're doing great man. I did 3 trial runs with some bag seed and they turned out pretty good. Got me kinda high... but the flavor, smell, and yield wasn't too great. I've since then grown Maui Waui, Trainwreck, and double dutch. And these strains blew my reggo seed...
  5. skolar182

    Strains I've sampled this year of being legal :) *PICS*

    Ok, so first off I have to say that this has been the best year of my life. I got married, got legal, and got to smoke lots of amazing strains which helped me sleep and also just made me a happier person overall. Also, just being legal I was able to land the best job I've ever had because...
  6. skolar182

    3 Water Leaves

    What kind of plant? and what the hell is a water leaf?
  7. skolar182


    There are many, many types of Salvia so hopefully you're growing Salvia Divinorum, because that's the psychoactive one...
  8. skolar182

    ATTN: Having problems cloning

    You gotta spray the hell outta clones as much as possible. Since they haven't formed any roots yet, you need to foliar feed multiple times a day. And the humidity must be high.
  9. skolar182

    Would You Move To A New Planet?

    Unfortunately... even though our Planet is in shambles, it's still the only thing habitable for humans. Mars is the closest thing to a livable planet and it doesn't get warmer than 0 degrees Celsius. Not to mention lack of water, food, air... I love Earth, its great :)
  10. skolar182

    I need help/venting about this super jerk from work.

    I was going to comment on his post in the same way that you did. I wonder how many of his 2,400+ posts are actually helpful. Not everyone speaks English or has proper grammar. If you can't read it then don't. But don't be a troll.
  11. skolar182

    Is this a male??????

    I was just adding my opinion. That's ok, right?
  12. skolar182

    I need help/venting about this super jerk from work.

    I guess if you really want some helpful feedback...let me ask you this. Are you happy with yourself? Look at yourself through your own eyes and not someone elses and make your own judgment call. I like me, and fuck anyone who doesn't. That's my view. I'm the nicest guy in the world but only...
  13. skolar182

    I need help/venting about this super jerk from work.

    Exactly what I was thinking.... This forum gives me the munchies too..
  14. skolar182

    So.. This is cannabutter ??

    In the future I would recommend trying Canna-Oil. I use it in my brownies and my god is it delicious and effective... I put 48g of Chronic into 48oz of Canola Oil. Now I have enough oil for 10 batches of brownies. The oil stores easy, takes about 3 hours to make, and it most effective!
  15. skolar182

    So.. This is cannabutter ??

    Usually the effects take 1 - 2 hours to set in but can last for 4 - 6 hours depending on potency. The worst that could happen if you eat it all would be you would TRIP BALLLLLLLLLS! And you can add your butter/oil to anything that uses that ingredient. So yes, any of those foods.
  16. skolar182

    DMT Mimosa hostilis inner root bark; MHRB

    The one thing I can answer for you is that DMT is a schedule 1 drug in the US. Although, bark is not illegal. There are lots and lots of plants that contain DMT
  17. skolar182

    Is this a male??????

    3rd pic definitely looks like a male to me.
  18. skolar182

    Pot is pot.... right?

    Dude... Marijuana is more diverse than fine wines. With wine you get the pleasure of enjoying the taste, and smell, but all have the same kind of drunk... With Marijuana you get to enjoy the taste, smell, texture, look, and all of the different effects. In the end, it's so much better than wine..
  19. skolar182

    Strange first time grow

    I've been able to determine sex sometimes before I even flower... but once you push it to flower it will force it to show sex. But just by looking at your pictures.... I think I can tell that your tall one is female. Upon zooming on the picture I think I can see 2 white hairs popping out of...
  20. skolar182

    green algae on surface of soil....HELP!

    I think Little Tommy has the best guess. If it's supporting algae then it's gotta be wet... make sure you have proper drainage.