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  1. joeparak

    Blueberry Bliss auto from Vision

    im growing the same stairn too tho wantes to know bout your setup and nute chart
  2. joeparak

    Gene changes?

    kinda a n00b question to ask well its the n00b central after all lol i got a Blueberry Bliss auto-fems growing what i wanna know is how will the seeds taken outta her buds would turn out to be?are they gonna be autos or will theu change clock to normal and will they be all fems?since its the...
  3. joeparak

    i need some tips on my CFL Grow Closet

    i was thinking LST tho how about that?:-?
  4. joeparak

    i need some tips on my CFL Grow Closet

    damn son those girls look so happy tho im planning on growing just one plant in a 5 gals pot using low stress training any tips on what to do for air circulation?
  5. joeparak

    i need some tips on my CFL Grow Closet

    Flat/Matte white works better than glossy right? im asking about the air venting cause most cfl boxes ive seen on the internet didnt seem to have air intake and vents tho just to be safe i thought id put a 3×4 inches air intake(still donno what to use for filters i guess just AC filters? ) and a...
  6. joeparak

    need some tips on LST'ing

    i got this autoflower seed growing and i wanted to LST it so where do i exactly tie/hook(?) my twisty ties around the stem? is it between the nodes or just above the growth tips? :-? :ss
  7. joeparak

    i need some tips on my CFL Grow Closet

    i picked this old ass closet and ive got 2×2×4 feet for growing space and a 2x2x2 feet for sexing clones and those side operations im planning to get 6 or 7 40watt cfl lights in it,no reflective walls or i need to put an air intake and a vent to fan the hot air off those lights outta...
  8. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    day 49 into flowering and still whatever the fuck it is its crawling up on my plant..and doesnt seem to be stoppable should i pull my plant off and start another grow? theyre turning gold n crispy and clawed: -?
  9. joeparak

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    alrightttty then lol thing is every shroom forum ive visited was just threads of tutorials like "get a box,cut a hole in the box,put shrooms on the box" im like bro how do i mist or fan those poor things?how much light do they need if any? but for real dwag should i pressure cook my grains or...
  10. joeparak

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    so i get a cutting from the dried cap gills mix it in water and spawn it with cardboard tek till i get some clean white myc n then cut and spawn those in my final box?
  11. joeparak

    a mediocre shroom garden thread

    can i take spore prints from dried caps and make spore syringe with it?:-?
  12. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    its all cool man its all cool :D
  13. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    im still lookin for you guys to give me some tips on soil mixing tho
  14. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    damn dwag those girls look so right ✌✌ my grow closet is so tiny i can just have one pot well..two or three if i lose the aluminum foils n the shelfs holding them
  15. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    no need to go hard on my ass brother its my 2nd grow :D but yeah i messed it up real bad
  16. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    i have some fish tank perlite tho i could buy some more :-?
  17. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    tbh it is :')) gotta change to a better soil mix too for my next grow im thinking maybe 4 parts perlite 4 parts composts n 2 parts organic premade soil?:-?
  18. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    im not some tight ass dude tho that shit costs like 90 dollars here n aint no amazon shipping to Iran :(
  19. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    i gotta get a pH pen to check it how often should i water it?will once a week do?cause it takes around 4 days for the 3 top inches to feel dry
  20. joeparak

    Some strange problem

    now i see ive gone way overboard with nutes and watering :(( is it revertible tho?should i just water it with plain water,and no more nutes once a week till how many more weeks? :-? or do i need to add some of those pH up stuff to my water?:-?