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  1. AimAim

    New pot

    Good looking roots. My rule of thumb is I want to transplant when the crown spread is getting toward 150% of the pot diameter. In other words, if your pot is 4" across the top, transplant when the plant itself gets about 6" across viewed from above., or sooner. What you want is a solid root...
  2. AimAim

    New morthern lights sprouts round leaves curling up, don't looke healthy.

    This is the hardest stage to get through. Do NOT overwater. Let it dry out well between waterings. Assuming you have holes in the bottom of cups I water plants this size "from below".: Set them in a pan/tray of water about 3/4 inch deep and let them suck it in from below. Leave them in maybe 30...
  3. AimAim

    New grower, running into some problems, any help would be great!

    Avoid trying to fix problems you (nor anyone else) are not sure of. Don't start throwing shit on it hoping something sticks. If it were mine I would let it dry out really well, even to the point of wilting. Wilting is not a bad thing, they will suck up everything at that point. Your soil looks...
  4. AimAim

    Buds too heavy

    They look fine, don't fuck around with any yo-yos. That's a mess and stupid. If they get too floppy go to a greenhouse and get a bundle of small bamboo stakes, ($3 for 50) stick about 4-5 in each pot then wrap with some twine. They are excellent looking little plants and I would not do...
  5. AimAim

    Anybody got any clues what this is?

    Uncle Ben Rules, actually he pisses a lot of people off but he is right 90% of the time in my opinion, that's all you can hope for around this place. New developing foliage looks way too dark green, OD'ing on something, just feed water ! Looks like N overdose., Chlorine will do the same thing...
  6. AimAim

    How much and What do you get shipped to your home?

    Agree, Herbies, Amazon. And if I stood on my tippy-toes I could see Lo-Budget's avatar. Nobody, in any way shape or form cares what you order from Amazon,or any other online retailer. Paranoia, leave it at the door. Seeds are a bit dicier, just don't order a thousand. You might lose a batch...
  7. AimAim

    Please help! Buds seem dry but stems doesn't snap.

    Patience. Temp & Humidity are fine. If the stems snap you have already overdried. Hard to recover from Invest in a cheap hygrometer (moisture meter) When you think you are close put all your flowers in a jar, put in your moisture meter. Takes at least 6 hrs to get a good reading. Try to get...
  8. AimAim

    anyone no what's causing this??

    Just breezed through the post and answers but you have bugs of some type. It's a "piercing sucking insect", no I did not just make this up, google it. Not a particular insect, but a general class of dozens of bastards. Thrips, leafminers, aphids, mites and more can all cause this type of damage...
  9. AimAim

    Size difference in males and females.

    The difference in growth is most noticible when they naturally switch from juvenile to intermediate growth. i.e. when they naturally start to switch from an opposite to an alternate branching pattern.. Maybe this is when you throw them to 12/12, or if you let them go long enough they will make...
  10. AimAim

    Curled blue tips on new plants, what's wrong?

    Overwatered in my opinion. Put a fan on them and get the soil to dry out Forget about nutes at this point, if they pull through you should not need to add any for a few weeks.
  11. AimAim

    what def Is this

    Maybe just an old lower leaf crapping out, common and to be expected.
  12. AimAim

    whats the max number of plants should I grow with a 600 watt hps.

    2 nice big ones should fill a 4X2 tent. I use a 600 primary and suppliment with some cfl's in a 5X5 foot space. Whole idea is to entirely fill your grow space with vegetation., so you can grow more number of plants with a lesser veg period, or veg them longer, growing larger plants till you...
  13. AimAim

    Lost cause?

    I don't think you are going to get much useful information / input without a couple good pictures.
  14. AimAim

    My plants died!! But why?

    Put up a picture of the rest of your plants, from what I see they look pretty shitty too. Might be easier to tell from looking at those failing, than from a pic of a plant that is obviously toast. And throw that thing far and away, quick.
  15. AimAim

    Proper use of bone and blood meal?

    Not a question you were asking, but..... Do not use blood meal or bone meal in an outdoor planting, as in a rural planting, where it is not fenced. Dogs, cats, fox, skunks, coyotes etc, all sorts of critters can be attracted and will dig in and mark their spot. Not to say it will definitely...
  16. AimAim

    Why plants need a dark period....

    I've done 24, and I've done 18-20 hours of light. Strictly anecdotal, just my observation, but a few hours sleep each night helps. Better color, shorter internodes, just healthier plants. Not too worried about the $ savings. I run them 24 for about 5 days after the seedlings emerge (don't...
  17. AimAim

    Popcorn anyone?

    I trim all my 'corn into a common container and usually have about 15% of harvest as corn that I utilize. Trophy buds are passed along to other people. Corn is every bit as good as top cola bud, in my opinon.
  18. AimAim


    Wow. You would then smoke it, or sell it to your "friends"?
  19. AimAim

    Interesting dilemma

    Oh yes, this will be a survivor.
  20. AimAim

    First time grower.

    The clueless leading those wanting to be lead down an unknown path. Yeah! Rollitup!