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  1. AimAim

    Please help a first time grower. Dark brown edges on leaves!! Thank you in advance!

    Yawn. Typical plant with some blemishes. You're green.... you're good. Or try to correct the "problem", make sure to take pics as you go.
  2. AimAim

    Training techniques combined

    Feel free to post here information such as name of strain, lightning, veg & flower time, and more than one training technique you've used. And ofcourse the yield too. And feel free to use the internet, to answer all the questions you have asked. It will take an hour or so but you will be an...
  3. AimAim

    Old Grower - Novice Mistake

    Yeah, my hindsight is 20/20 on this one, just got careless. Nothing to do in particular w/MJ actually. Same scenario would toast any plant. "Dick Deep In The Dirt" as we say 'round here.
  4. AimAim

    Old Grower - Novice Mistake

    Hesitated to even admit to this, but decided maybe explaining this might prevent someone from making the same mistake that I did. Grown outdoors for many years (since 70's). Had 6 recent really successful indoor grows under my belt, you can check out some in my sig, but I was generally...
  5. AimAim


    The more politically correct term is "vertically challenged" not midget, not dwarf. Anyway it is staying short because you are blasting it with a ton of light. Too much light in my opinion for the way I like to grow indoors. I like some stretch early on so I can top it and do some training...
  6. AimAim

    Two weeks old pictures

    They look OK. Very good actually. Go ahead and fully top off those pots now, right to the brim with your potting soil mix. Tamp it down pretty well. You should probably be up-potting in a couple weeks, and in the meantime the plants should develop roots along the section of stem you buried...
  7. AimAim


    4 strikes and you are out. A robust bouncing baby BOY !
  8. AimAim


    Good rule of thumb.... Don't transplant before the leaves grow beyound the perimeter of the cup. I like 50% beyond. In other words, whan you are looking at the plant from above, and it is in 4" diameter cup, I want a 6" wide plant. Just my opinion, but it has worked for me. Always good roots...
  9. AimAim

    What is wrong with this plant... nute burn?

    Well I don't think it's anything to do with "nutes" in general. Probably just a shitty grow environment overall. I bet plants never looked good, struggled frim the get-go.
  10. AimAim

    Some deficiency, but what is it?

    Personally I think it has nutrient burn of some type. FFOF is not as highly "calibrated" as they would like us to believe, and I have experienced some hot sacks. And what you are showing here is what I have evperienced. When you up-pot next time, assuming you will shortly in next couple weeks...
  11. AimAim

    What is wrong with this plant... nute burn?

    Wow. That plant is fucked up, sorry. Just being honest. I cant imagine it pulling through and doing anything. You need to figure out what went wrong (obviously) , perhaps giving some specifics on your grow might help somebody here help you figure it out. It looks like at some recent point an...
  12. AimAim

    Should I PH water for soil???

    If you are growing in a healthy soil, it will buffer itself to about 6.5, no matter what you dump on it, water-wise. Runoff water pH does not mean shit. Distilled water is not good. It has no additive value to the soil solution,. Normal tap water has available Ca and Mg plus innumerable...
  13. AimAim

    leaf drop city

    They look pretty good to me actually. A lot depends on the strain/genetics pheno/genotype, as to the yellowing color. It is August you know, Summer Solstice about 3 weeks ago, and some of the girls are are looking to start shutting down. If it were mine I would give it half doses of N...
  14. AimAim

    What's wrong with my plants?

    Obviously overwatered, in my opinion. Put a light fan on then and don't water for at least 5 days. Hopefully your roots won't rot off in the meantime.
  15. AimAim

    45F bucket Sativa in some serious trouble

    Trying to flower in this junked up stage.... Have no idea what you did to it but plants don't respond well to "corrections" at this stage. Just keep it watered and hope for what what you can get.
  16. AimAim

    tiny worms..almost looks like specs of dirt

    Diatomaceous earth Done in one
  17. AimAim

    Borrowing electricity from the power company.

    WTF. You are a common thief and parasite. Play by the rules, don't steal grid energy. If you cannot run whatever (halfass) operation you have going on it's own merits, then bail out. Do not make the rest of us look like assholes just because you have chosen to be one.
  18. AimAim

    What are these?

    They are normal flower reproductive parts, why do you have a question about it ?
  19. AimAim

    need some help please...

    They look a bit lanky. It is not too late to add suplimental lighting. Bend over the tall one (LST) and get what ever light you can right down in their face.
  20. AimAim

    Don't feel the same ever since.. Please help

    MJ does not agree with everyone, maybe you are one of those people. If it made me feel that way I would avoid it.