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  1. RyaNayR

    Waxy, Shiny Leaves --> ?

    are you kidding? they look like plastic... that's NOT normal looking! though, they did appear to have good hairs and crystals growing.. and why did nobody respond to this guy ever again? he was just given misinformation and then ignored when he questioned it... you may as well have just lied to...
  2. RyaNayR

    Having some issues with Hydro setup (AeroGarden)

    I am using a drip system (aerogarden) to grow some seedlings that i germinated in soil... Do i need to be turning the pump off in cycles or running it 24/7? after leaving the pump off accidentally over night they suddenly grew a few new roots for the first time since being in the...
  3. RyaNayR


    I am using a drip system (aerogarden) to grow some seedlings that i germinated in soil... Do i need to be turning the pump off in cycles or running it 24/7? after leaving the pump off accidentally over night they suddenly grew a few new roots for the first time since being in the...
  4. RyaNayR

    1st leaves falling off...

    Sounds good then... i dunno wtf it is. could be that something screwed it up before and it just couldn't recover even after you fixed everything. that happened to a few of mine once. they kinda just died even though they were still greenish and moist. they didn't grow and were kinda yellow...
  5. RyaNayR

    Why are my leaves doing this? PICS

    yeah they could be getting dried out from heat.
  6. RyaNayR

    1st leaves falling off...

    also, what kind of soil, and are the any nutes?
  7. RyaNayR

    1st leaves falling off...

    what does the meter read out when your water? and whats the scale? like 1-10, that kidna thing.
  8. RyaNayR

    1st leaves falling off...

    how are you watering? like frequency, ammount, etc.
  9. RyaNayR

    1st leaves falling off...

    That stem is really thin. if anything, you need MORE light. if they're floro's or CFLs you shouldn't have any heat issues. keep them 3-4 inches away at least. Also, how are you watering?
  10. RyaNayR

    a question on cfl lighting

    you could flower with those. i wouldn't recommend it though. you need a more reddish color for flowering, like say 2700k-3500k (soft white). you might even find a sale on those, they're bought a lot more because people like the color similarity to the old incandescent bulbs that they're replacing.
  11. RyaNayR

    quick question about watering

    That seems plausible. but is the perking up a sign of needing water?
  12. RyaNayR

    need help on this plzz

    It won't get any slower than it already is, so it should just speed up in the 18/6. And you don't have to wait till it shows sex to flower. In fact, it won't show sex until you flower, after about 2 weeks of 12/12 normally. which you can do whenever you want. I would say to let it grow a lot...
  13. RyaNayR

    need help on this plzz

    Well that was kinda hard to read but i think i got the general concept. you started off on 12/12 and your plant stretched a lot and you want to know if you should jsut kill it and start over, right? If it was just bagseed and nothing major, i'd say yeah, just start over. If you want to try and...
  14. RyaNayR

    quick question about watering

    I did a quick 5 minute search but i couldn't find anything, i'm sure my answer is here somewhere but it's probably quicker and easier to just ask. Why do the leaves droop down after watering, and should i be watering when they get all perked up? Sorry, I know this is probably a really common...
  15. RyaNayR

    Outdoor grow how to force flower

    actually 13 or 14 hours of light will induce flowering. like abwhite86 said, it doesnt have to be 12/12, that's just optimal for indoors. anyway nice to see you here bl4zn. what the hell happened to wg? any idea? i bout killed my keyboard when i kept trying to type in and got some...
  16. RyaNayR

    What would happen if...

    anyone else want to take a shot at it?
  17. RyaNayR

    What would happen if...

    thanks for trying man. was a good read anyway.
  18. RyaNayR

    What would happen if...

    i may be missing something, but the question still seems unanswered. the paragraph above talks about light cycles in outdoor plants in a 24 hour period, meaning for each hour more of light, there is one less of dark, and vice versa. what happens if you change the whole period? make it...
  19. RyaNayR

    What would happen if...

    so you think if the hours of light are more than 13, even if the dark is 13 too, the plant still would not flower?
  20. RyaNayR

    What would happen if...

    Was thinking about light cycles, and i got to wondering, what would happen if you put a plant in like, 24 hours of light and 24 hours of dark, instead of 12/12. just keep it the same 50:50 ratio but add more hours. would the plants grow faster or just screw up? Cause the way i understand it...