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  1. jbcCT

    Brown weed leaves

    Yeah those things look water logged. I might be inclined to remove some of those browned up ones. Reason being if they stay wet you might get mildew. You have to find a way to shield those plants from rain. I have a massive yard tent I use. That being said I still think you can flower those no...
  2. jbcCT

    NY downstate outdoor growers

    I'm in the northeast very close to you. I harvest in October every year. I even pulled down flower first few days of November once. Two tips for late harvest success; as the daytime temps drop mold and mildew can become an issue. If possible plants with flower need to be kept dry. I have a...
  3. jbcCT

    Advice on Weird Growth? They ok?

    Just my two cents; I have always taken a less is more approach so to speak. You always add more water or nutrients but you can't take it back when you over do it. Also I no longer use plastic pots. I grow outdoors using fabric smart pots. They dry much faster and you won't get root bound...
  4. jbcCT

    JBC Seeds

    JBC is the best. I haven't used anyone else in half a decade.
  5. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Match set, game on. Here we are first week of July in the NE and the battle lines have been drawn. Sprayed first BT application this morning. I found three just hatched singles yesterday. It's twice a week here on out. Pro tip; buy yourself a decent hand sprayer. Don't be cheap. For larger...
  6. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Great post. For the first time last year I started removing single eggs off my buds every morning. We're dealing with multiple species. Some drop the singles off, some lay the clutch at the leaf tip.
  7. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Just as a reminder. If you have had caterpillar and worm issues in the past expect them every year. The formula for success is real simple; -you must pre spray them with BT before you even see a single worm. -right as pre-flower starts for most. -continue to spray from July right up until...
  8. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Do tell. Are you in a region of the U.S? I'm not sure what areas moth / caterpillar species are non existent. Interesting. Good for you though. We've got worm control nailed down pretty well in this thread.
  9. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    How's everybody been? It's that time. Plenty of spraying and egg destruction coming to a backyard near you.
  10. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    A couple people in this thread used netting this year and still ended up with worms. The only way to keep these things off your plants is spraying BT throughout the outdoor season. It's a biologic not a pesticide. It's well diluted, a teaspoon per hand sprayer. Has zero impact on the plants, bud...
  11. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Been there my man. Those are paratroopers. They sense their main food source dying and they are hitting the eject button. One of the issues with that is the flower is likely contaminated. If they are shooting silk they were tucked in tight, eating your flower and defecating along the way. You...
  12. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Forgive me for sounding stupid but do you folks have Amazon across the pond. That's where I ordered mine for this summer. You want Monterey BT.
  13. jbcCT

    How far would 4 bud plants odor travel in a tree house

    Your fine. Especially if your handling hay. You kind of outdoor smells going on.
  14. jbcCT

    How far would 4 bud plants odor travel in a tree house

    Also, it's only 4 plants. If you had 8-10 hanging flower that might be a different story. It's it's fall in your region and cooler you'll be fine.
  15. jbcCT

    How far would 4 bud plants odor travel in a tree house

    I grow in my backyard in summer. The answer to your question is not that bad. Depends on the climate too. On those hot summer days I can sometimes catch a wiff when I'm in front of my home, 40 feet away but nothing intense. Once fall hits and it's cooler and the flowers are ripening, the odor...
  16. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    That kush is turning black. Fucking love it....
  17. jbcCT

    “If this was yours” How would you proceed?

    Usually when it shows up on leaves there is no mistaking it. It's almost got a little grit to it. One thing I have observed, PM usually infects the plant from the bottom up. So it will show up on bottom leaves and then move up slowly until it hits the top of the colas. Many a grower has had to...
  18. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    My strawberry milk is off the drying rack. Been doing a second dry trim this week. I'll post some pics. Not a single worm on those three plants. No damage. My kush 4 is liking this chilly weather. Probably two weeks out. Last BT treatment done today. No damage present.
  19. jbcCT

    Just a few aphids, and ONE seed.

    Does not hurt it one bit. You'll see any mildew present will then float on top of the water like an oil. Tiny flies stick to sugar leaves and die. Cleaning outdoor bud is a must in my book. I rinse them off and fling the excess water off and hang them. I treat my outdoor like I'm making wine. I...
  20. jbcCT

    “If this was yours” How would you proceed?

    Gets flexible garden wire or string. Pull the stalk over gently. Repeat that in a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. I would too if you haven't. Cant tell from the photo. If you want a good video on youtube on this search for Mr.Cunucks indoor grow. Watch how easy it is......