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  1. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    A few of the guys out here tried this last year. The moths were able to overcome the netting. Any branches touching the nets got hit with eggs. All you need is bt boys
  2. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I harvest end of October and continue bt treatment up until about a week before harvest. Once the buds fatten I also do a morning sweep and will hand remove any eggs I see as well. Toothpick, tweezers. Moths are aggressive egg layers. When I pull it down I do a complete trim and scour the...
  3. jbcCT

    what nutrient defficiency is this?

    You can certainly add cal mag. I would layoff the biobizz for a week or two and if you start it up again no need to use it every other day. I'm not a big believer in deficiencies. If the plant has soil, water & light it's usually grower inputs that do the damage.
  4. jbcCT

    What beans are you popping in the year of our lord- 2021?

    Outdoors: SSG Midnight Frost Bohdi Babylon Buster & Roadkill Unicorn V2
  5. jbcCT

    what nutrient defficiency is this?

    I respect the people that do PH levels and stuff like that but I don't waste my time with it. If your feeding a "hot" liquid nute every other day it would very difficult to have any deficiency. It would be quite possible though to cook the hell out of those plants. Just my two cents.
  6. jbcCT

    what nutrient defficiency is this?

    I noticed the discoloration as well. If it we're me I would cease all nutrients that you currently feeding with at least for a while. I grow organic and have only been using cal mag all summer. Properly diluted. If your using liquid fertilizer every other day that is the likely issue. I use...
  7. jbcCT

    what nutrient defficiency is this?

    Questions for you. What kind of pots are you using? What are you feeding them and what stage are you in? Is it impacting only older fan leaf or new growth?. Weird thing is, other than those spots the leaves otherwise appear healthy.
  8. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I'm in the northeast and I cant imagine moths are unique to my state alone. They are silent assassin's. In my region several species of moth lay eggs from early July to late October. I wouldn't be able to even grow outside unless I had BT. So if you have plants outdoors right now I highly...
  9. jbcCT

    Bud rot cut out now she budding up

    Sorry, Monterey BT. Do a search for it. You spray it on the entire plant. It's not a pesticide. It's specifically for killing worms and caterpillars. When the moth eggs hatch on your plant, the tiny worm will take one small bite, the BT spores will turn them brown and fall off the plant. In my...
  10. jbcCT

    bodhi seeds

    Your set up looks great. Probably a good idea you chopped it. If that black fungus reached escape velocity could have been game over. Man that stuff looked nasty.
  11. jbcCT

    anyone see this before??

    Wow. Stem borer? Never heard of that. I assume we're talking a caterpillar of some sort. The rest of that plant looked healthy so it almost has to be pest related. If it were a fungus or a soil born ailment the whole plant would be impacted instead of localized damage. Maybe BT to keep them off...
  12. jbcCT

    Over watered

    Happens to the best of us. Otherwise some healthy looking plants. Get yourself a bottle of Monterey BT so the caterpillars don't sully your flowers. I suggest the thread budworm season. Best of luck.
  13. jbcCT

    Over watered

    When you over water the leaves get fat and droopy. Chicken claw type of thing. Those leaves look crisp, sharp. Need water.
  14. jbcCT

    Over watered

    I only say that because I'm growing outside in smart pots. They tend to dry out fairly quickly if you can keep them dry. When the tops flop over like that it's usually under watered.
  15. jbcCT

    Over watered

    So, just my two cents, those look like they are thirsty.
  16. jbcCT

    Bud rot cut out now she budding up

    If you grow outdoors I would refer to the thread on budworms. It's my personal experience that you have to treat with BT prior to flower and throughout the season. If not they will be attacked by a variety of caterpillars. Also the name of the game is to keep your plants as dry as possible for...
  17. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    So here's a good example of why pre treatment and frequent treatment with BT is important to keeping your plants super clean. Inspecting my plants this morning the sniper moth, lone egg droppers were busy last night. With rain and morning dew you need to thoroughly spray at least once a week...
  18. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I copied you. I snipped off a leaf tip too. As soon as the plant matter dies they hatch. It was actually your pic that got scanning my leaf tips every day.
  19. jbcCT

    NY downstate outdoor growers

    Your doing the same thing I am. Getting them out of the way of rain. My state just passed legal home grow. I want to go into the ground next year instead of pots. I've been thinking how large outdoor growers protect the plants from rain. Are you new to outdoor growing? If so do yourself a...