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  1. jbcCT

    Just a few aphids, and ONE seed.

    I wash all my outdoor bud in 5 gallon home depot buckets with a cup of peroxide mixed with water. Rinse with clean water before I hang them. I'm anal about my outdoor and I like it super clean. You pick up dust, small dead flies stuck to bud, mildew not seen by the eye. The rinse cleans them up...
  2. jbcCT

    Is this mold on my bud?

    You mix it up and apply with a cheap hand sprayer. If you seeing multiple brown spots on different colas it's like worm or caterpillar damage. If indeed that's the case and you don't nip it quickly they will ruin all your plants.
  3. jbcCT

    Is this mold on my bud?

    It's a product that is sprayed on crops, bud too in order to keep caterpillar and various types of worms off your outdoor bud. Look up Monterey BT, you can get it anywhere. Works great. You mix it up and spray your flowers. I'm not sure how people grow outdoor in the U.S without it...
  4. jbcCT

    2nd grow... How far from harvest?

    That's looks fairly close to me. Especially that first pic.
  5. jbcCT


    I'm in a neighboring state and yeah last night the wind and rain were wicked. We had a cyclone in the summer and my yard tent literally blew away and smashed against a tree, I lost a few in that one. I moved all my 5 gallon buckets to the garage last night. I feel your pain man. Other than that...
  6. jbcCT

    Is this mold on my bud?

    Looks like the start of bud rot from worms to me. Put up some more pics. Any other tops look like that?
  7. jbcCT

    Is this mold on my bud?

    That's going to be worm or caterpillar damage. There is a species of white moth that lay single eggs, right on the top colas. If you check your other tops you will likely find eggs stuck to the bottom of sugar leaves, right at the top. You have to spray BT after they are sexed and continue...
  8. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    At this point you maybe salvage what you can. You go through it thoroughly and most certainly wash the hell out of it, with water peroxide mix in a 5 gallon bucket. You need to check where the flower meets the branch to see if they shit in there. Will be like a black grit. Depending on the...
  9. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I still have a few that need a week or two for ripeness. In my neck of the woods you balance ripeness with risk of mildew. The later into fall I go the greater the risk due to cool weather. I was chopping & trimming last night. Still finding single eggs on the bottom of sugar leafs. My...
  10. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I started chopping yesterday. I went out this morning and picked 5 or 6 eggs off a cola. Friggin moths are still dropping eggs. A relentless enemy which is why you have keep spraying. Took a whole plant down and I had no damage. No frass or rot. For those new to checking damage, you really have...
  11. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I don't know. Haven't tried it. Another guy out here illuminated the actual caterpillar. Haven't seen any eggs in days. I'm gonna start cutting tomorrow. Weather is going to be cooler in the week ahead it's time. Got the Bodhi strawberry milk and some kush 4 this year.
  12. jbcCT

    Harvest now and cut my losses?

    Yeah sometimes the weather works against us. I've noticed PM tends to move from the bottom of the plant up. Go with your gut. You growing that outside without spraying BT? Those larvae stuck to the top of your colas are going to hatch into some sort of worm or caterpillar. I like your idea of...
  13. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Yeah the early and often spraying regime is 100%. As long as your consistent and take your time spraying. Be thorough. Top to bottom done in early sun, so the product can dry. This year, thanks to the forum, I was inspired to do the visual sweeps and remove the eggs. Hopefully everyone in...
  14. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I start spraying as soon as the plants are sexed, late June, twice a week. As the flowers start to form I move to every three to four days right up until a week before harvest. I'm starting to harvest this weekend and there is not a single worm on any of my plants.
  15. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Good catch bro. I found two egg clutches on leaf tips this year and hundreds would have hatched. They wouldn't have gotten very far due to my spraying regiment but still... I also removed close to 60 single eggs from the tops of my colas. Pick em right off with a toothpick. This is the first...
  16. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Welcome to battle zone.
  17. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    The weather in the northeast has been phenomenal. Little chilly at night. Back to the 80's. Just need to ripen a little more.....
  18. jbcCT

    Marijuana Seeds

    James Bean is a stand up seller. I usually have my seeds a few days after paying for the order.
  19. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Can't really tell from the photo. I assume it's shitty and brown. These things are vicious. I would check your netting, top, sides, every couple days. The mesh net is actually a perfect place to lay a clutch. I watched a brown moth dump a wad on the side of my screen tent once and I've found...
  20. jbcCT

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Great information. Thank you. We're dealing with multiple species of moth for sure. I've noticed the eggs are different colors and quantities. Working with BT the last few years it certainly handles both worms and caterpillar species. It's kept my plants remarkably clean. On the Monterey...