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  1. superdave5

    HELP what is the correct ph and ppm for hydro

    Also what is the temp in your grow room, could be heat
  2. superdave5

    HELP what is the correct ph and ppm for hydro

    Your ppm was over 2500??? Wow, brotha its been a minute since Ive done hydro but your frying the shit out of your plants 2500 is uneccessary. Drop your ph to 5.6-5.8 and back off the ppm as well. Thats too much IMO
  3. superdave5

    Help help help please!

    for sure man sounds like thats what happened, keep in mind you need to keep that humidity up too. Thats the numb. one reason when I lose clones is from lack of humidity. Sometimes Ive had to soak a dixie cup with water and cover the clone for a day and by the next day its perked back up
  4. superdave5

    Help help help please!

    Use a CFL about 6 inches away, and your 250MH no closer than 2 1/2 to 3 ft. You dont need it that close at all when they are seedlings. Once they get strong and healthy ya drop that light as close as you can without burning them to reduce stretch, but to start a seedling you just need a little...
  5. superdave5

    How much for 1 oz. of bubble hash

    Thanks I never thought of that. I always tried to pound the shit out of it as it dries and I would still get chunks or powder. Thanks for the info
  6. superdave5

    How much for 1 oz. of bubble hash

    Hey fdd2blk- noticed in your pics how your hash is those nice fine little pebble as your curing it. How do you get it into that form? No matter what I do I can never get those fine little gooey pebbles. Almost like sand but a tad thicker.
  7. superdave5

    Week 4 blooming is retarded

    Bud Blood is produced by advanced nutrients. Google it, I use it as a trigger and see flowers forming within days. Also as stated above, your plants shouldn't be that dark green. You should be backing off the nitrogen and starting more P and K.
  8. superdave5

    Week 4 blooming is retarded

    thats tough but you shoulda used bud blood as a trigger. Or shut your lights off for 48 hours as a trigger simulating fall. Could also be the strain. I had purple diesel do something similar but not 4 weeks. Thats pretty bad man. Check your lights as well. Maybe you have a light leak or messed...
  9. superdave5

    How much for 1 oz. of bubble hash

    haha "these guys dont seem to realize your talking about bubble hash" I think fdd2blk knows exactly what he's talking about and most likely even more than he does. Words dont mean a thing though, but his pic sure does. Nice hash fdd2blk that's a nice amount of quality stuff right there
  10. superdave5

    Power out for ? Due to storm

    thats a good question Im curious to this as well. Havent had it happen yet and luckily Im in flower but still.
  11. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    No worries anytime streetrider! When I flush sometimes I get junk in the tray but never seems to be algae. I also take a safe bleach to it once a week and wipe down the tray around the pots. I dilute the bleach with water and apply. Just helps keep the dirt and junk down ya know. Happy holidays...
  12. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    Hey street rider, I do not use an ebb and flow although the table is for one. I use soil but the ebb and flow table is from previous grows. Soil just tastes better to me although veg can take a bit longer. As far as the algae. From my understanding, light hitting your medium aka rockwool or...
  13. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    No worries Hobbs, and thx operation 420, I put it to some good gumby hash
  14. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    Hey Hobbs thx! First, my pots are 5 gallons and I usually pull anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 ounces per plant. Each light is 600 watts and I have an 8 inch fan pulling outside air through the hoods and exhausting into the attic (outside air in my area is 40degrees to 65 degrees). I also have a...
  15. superdave5

    day 35 floering white widow (pics)

    hey which nirvana? nirvana shop or seed boutique? My last grow was nirvana shop WW and mine looked TOTALLY different, thats crazy, is there some fishy things going on here haha
  16. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    anyone else growin cafe blue sky WW?
  17. superdave5

    Do u have to hang the bud to dry or...

    no you cant go straight to jars, IT WILL MOLD, food dehydrator is the best way to dry your buds out IMO (for quick smoke only) not tasty cured bud
  18. superdave5

    What are these white spots??

    your camera is out of focus, but It looks like powder mildew. Your humidity is prob too high and they have treatments for that stuff but treat it before you switch to flower. It will make your bud unsmokable/ VERY HARSH. You can sulfur treat them by buying sulfur and a sulfur burner and burn the...
  19. superdave5

    Grow Report: Cafe Blue Sky White Widow (oakland dispensary)

    Thank you very much! it took a long time to get to this point haha, but thank you