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  1. Squidbilly

    Conservatives are mostly just dicks...

    Don't forget the republican party isn't what it's suppose to be. Legalizing cannabis embodies much more of a republican ideal then a democratic one. Dems would like to see it regulated and controlled by the government, republicans(at least by definition, again the party isn't really republican...
  2. Squidbilly

    Conservatives are mostly just dicks...

    So we blame the republicans for Iraq, but what about every other major war we've ever been in? I think the dems have more blood on their hands.
  3. Squidbilly

    Conservatives are mostly just dicks...

    conservative, liberal/republican, democrat = two sides of the same coin. I freakin' hate the 'voters' that keep going to the polls and electing reps and dems, as long as either party is in office it will be more of the same!
  4. Squidbilly

    Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

    All I have to do is look in the mirror. We are one collective consiousness and all one in the same. To seperate, measure, and identify external things is the worst of all human conditions. It leads to valuing one life more than another, or one species more then another, when in reality we all...
  5. Squidbilly

    Advanced QWISO Tutorial

    Can you smoke the 'first wash' qwiso out of a rig? Is it like full melt? I use to make alcohol hash from midi brick weed when I was in middle school. I would leave that dirty ganga soaking in the alcohol for days, lol! Wish I knew the quick washes were better. I gotta say, back then I...
  6. Squidbilly

    Growing medium question

    Dammit, now I want brownies! I've seen that medium before but never actually seen anybody use it. You can do hydro in practically anything. I was just reading where some people even use sawdust as a growing medium!
  7. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    Mine has the 5 blade leaf thing going on and it's a very lanky plant with long node spacing and very few leaves in veg.
  8. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    If that western winds is anything like the original kali mist your in for a treat. I actually have two moms of Kali Mist that were gifted to me by the guy who grows it. He relocated to Colorado, so he asked if I wanted any of his cuts and I immediately said I wanted that mist. It takes...
  9. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    I'll have some dry bud pics of it soon. Harvest is just a week or two away, but it looks almost identical to the pics you posted. I love my Jack, great meds-but definitely a heavy stone IMO.
  10. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    I actually got my jack from a seed I found in an oz. I know the dude who grows it. I believe he originally got it from Sensi seeds. That bastard refuses to give cuts to anybody(like his og and jack are the most special strains ever-it's sooo annoying!). When I found a seed I was so happy I...
  11. Squidbilly

    Do MAOI inhibitors like Zoloft decrease the effects of cannabis?

    My experience and research says yes. Zoloft and other popular antidepressants are SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Your brain makes serotonin and fires it from one receptor to another across the synaptic gap. Any the brain doesn't need/use gets recycled, or uptaked- SSRIs...
  12. Squidbilly

    CBD Hemp Oil.. Scam or no?

    I know this is a little old but I was wondering the same thing. No way I trust any vendor selling the stuff. Any serious company that was out to actually help people would be spending their time trying to get real medicine out there and spreading awareness, not just taking money from desperate...
  13. Squidbilly

    Kief question for ya

    Sometimes it's strain dependent. My jack herer is covered in trichs, but even cured it's so sticky I rarely get any kief in my grinder. Some generic og I just had was dense/dry and almost broke up into a powder and even grinding up a gram of that left me with a nice amount of kief. I'd rather...
  14. Squidbilly

    THC % Does Not Measure The High

    Is it all in the trichs? I do not believe so... This is part of the reason some of the 'white' strains can be covered in resin but be mediocre in the potency department. Or some of the least resin covered buds can be the most potent. It's also part of the reason I believe wax or dabs aren't as...
  15. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    Your ssh x j. herer buds look identical to my indica pheno jack buds, same color and same leafy bud structure. My jack is very indica like in the stone department, I was hoping for more of a day time med when I decided to grow it, but I don't consider it great day time meds.
  16. Squidbilly

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    Hey, I see your looking for a special sativa- may I suggest Kali Mist... I thought I just had a really high tolerance from being a daily smoker most of my life, or I was getting tired of all the kush crosses floating around-until I tried some Kali Mist. That shit gave me a 'cartoon like'...
  17. Squidbilly

    Marijuana that leave white crystals all over your hands

    That is wild. Sorry you bought that :/
  18. Squidbilly

    Going off SSRI's

    There is the problem^ It's hard to get up and actually do it when your feeling so blue-been there!
  19. Squidbilly

    Going off SSRI's

    I think someone else already touched on this, but make sure you actually do the work to avoid feeling blue in the future. Make sure you take time to do stuff that makes you happy, and ALWAYS stay positive-how you think directly relates to how you feel. And the biggest help for me was...
  20. Squidbilly

    Going off SSRI's

    SSRI's and SNRI's are neurotoxic garbage. There is absolutely no research that proves these things are effective. I wish I could get the years I was on them back. How they are allowed to market them as 'anti-depressants' is beyond me. Yes the prevent the re-uptake of serotonin(and some ne)...