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  1. Squidbilly

    What is going on with my Plants?

    heat mats are awesome for seeds, dome is optional. Root riots or rapid rooters are the way to go for seeds and clones, IMO,
  2. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb C99

    I totally agree. I just think there are a lot of people who chop way to early. In my experience I ignore breeder times and wait until I have at least 20-30% amber to harvest, I've always been dissapointed when I harvested before that, that's just how I roll :)
  3. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb C99

    Only some premature larf I removed about a week ago. It was taken at roughly 50 days(counting from the first day of 12/12) and hung for about 5. Even that was some pretty strong medicine. With no flush and no cure it was all 'hash/kief' in the taste. I would put my premature nug of bubba og...
  4. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb C99

    Hey, what is your keeper pheno like? Does it finish/turn purple faster then the others? I swear I have 3 different phenos, lol. My really purple one looks like the winner, it's going to be finished quicker then the others, has mad purple in it(not that I really care about that, but other...
  5. Squidbilly

    Think I may have made a mistake :(

    If your plants look healhty and green your not under feeding. Remember more feed does not equal more growth. Plants 'uptake' what they need, if you were underfeeding you would have deficiency symptoms. It's better to slightly under feed then to over feed.
  6. Squidbilly

    Think I may have made a mistake :(

    Yes, ever grower should have a meter IMO. You can definitely make due without a ec/ppm meter but you'll never know exactly what your feeding your plants or be able to accurately diagnose a potential problem without one. If you can't get one, then start your nutes out low and slowly work your...
  7. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb C99

    His bubba og is fantastic! so dense and absolutely covered in resin! I've heard really good thigs about his ghost cut too. I can't stress how impressed I am with his bubba og. The phenos I have range from a really sweet bubble gum to a deep coffee, all of them with an overpowering...
  8. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb C99

    I think alot of people just chop to early. The whole 'amber being bad' myth. I'm running docs headband which is ecsd x og kush- both strains that have 70+ flower times but it's listed on his website as being done in 55-65 days. Mine are roughly at day 60 and are packing on weight, foxtailing...
  9. Squidbilly

    Are reservoirs supposed to stink kinda funky after a day or two?

    I recently found that adding humic acid to my res really helped keep it clean. It's the only producted I added and it made a big difference. I throw 1/2 gal ice bottles in my res evey day or two to keep temps down. Before the addition of humic acid, the bottles would come out with a 'nutrient...
  10. Squidbilly

    Bong vs. joints

    I shouldn't of said vaping sucks, that's not fair :) I do agree that the taste is amazing, in fact I love that about a vaporizer. The op was trying to conserve cannabis and IME I can go through some cannabis vaping.
  11. Squidbilly

    How to grow like this ?

    No prob man.
  12. Squidbilly

    new nasty rumor

    Yup me too, beer and jager like it's water while I'm with lucy.
  13. Squidbilly

    new nasty rumor

    I can drink like a fish on psychadelics, espeically LSD- alcohol goes right through me like I'm not even getting drunk. It always takes the edge off for me, can't imagine tripping around the camp fire without a case of beer!
  14. Squidbilly

    How to grow like this ?

    Don't have a ton experience flowering with cfls mate, sorry.
  15. Squidbilly

    Bong vs. joints

    I agree too, vaping kinda sucks IMO. I think vaping is a waste, it takes me a considerable amount more to get stoned- I love the taste but I can vape an 1/8th a day easy!
  16. Squidbilly

    Bong vs. joints

    Here is my suggestion-only pack one hit at a time. That's my preffered method, even when I'm smoking a bong with multiple people. Packing anything more then a hit at a time is wasteful. When you pack a big bowl and it takes you more then one hit to finish it, your burning and vaping what's...
  17. Squidbilly

    Should I harvest?

    I personally like to wait till there is at least 25-30% amber trichs. I have yet to try a strain I like 'all milky' and I can't believe people chop at that point, i've tried it and 'clear high' isn't the right way to describe it, IMO. It's more like it's chopped early and not as potent!
  18. Squidbilly


    They aren't really bothing me, or affecting my plants one bit. Just wanted to know other people's experiences.
  19. Squidbilly


    I'm using royal gold coco, which isn't cheap. Next round I am using that new GS3 coco/growstones mix
  20. Squidbilly

    OG kush 6 weeks into flower_thoughts [Pics]

    My og turns purple up top and the bottom is a super light lime green come harvest time. Color variation is normal as the tops mature faster the bottom. They look like they have at least 2-3 more weeks.