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  1. Ratty696

    Germinating Techniques......

    Easiest way ive found to germinate is just put them in a glass of water they usually pop within 12-24 hours. All you need to do is keep those babies warm and in a dark place. thats all you have to worry about. I wouldnt bother to cover them.
  2. Ratty696

    help need to role this joint

    Buy yourself a bud buster or should I say coffee grinder $15 @ Walmart. Works like a charm.
  3. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    2 weeks into flowering today, the ladies are looking beautiful!! Hairs everywhere the leaves are already have crystals on them and they are standing 19" tall. Well my tallest one is, the rest are between 17"-18.5". Will post some pics later today so everyone can see. All comments welcome.
  4. Ratty696

    My First Grow, In Flowering, Dont know how long...

    Take better cuttings fromw what?? There's nothing left. What did you do to that poor plant?? What did it ever do to you to deserve that??? Poor thing.
  5. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Thanx man. Havent gotten the pleasure of trying this strain yet, but being my first grow I'm excited to see how it is. I dont wanna wait another 8 weeks:cry:
  6. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Well all is still well plants are healthy, lots of hairs forming everywhere. Today is day 11 of flowering, the girls will be getting fed tomorrow maybe the next day then we'll see how they like Liquid Kool Bloom. Let me know what you think. Here are some more pics from today.
  7. Ratty696

    Your favourite drug movies

    Dazed and Confused!!
  8. Ratty696

    favriote movie/tv show to watch when stoned

    You arent missing out on anything "Trailer park boys" is the worst piece of S%$# that has ever been on tv. Its an insult to your own intelligence to watch that crap!!
  9. Ratty696

    favriote movie/tv show to watch when stoned

    Best 2 stoner movies #1 Dazed and Confused, Its a classic every stoner has to appreciate, and then of course Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas!!
  10. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Thanx man always like to hear I'm doing good. Welcome to the site. I will keep posting updates, dont be afraid to comment. All comments welcome!!
  11. Ratty696

    mother f**ker

    Dont know you man but damn sorry to see that. What a shame. Hope you can revive them.
  12. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Day 62 I think I have a hermie, which is ok cause that will still leave me with 6 ladies. Here are some pics taken this morning.
  13. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    All is good today was feeding day. Changed feeding a little now. Giving them less grow more bloom. One more week And I will start giving my girls Liquid Kool Bloom. I will post more pics when things start to change a little more. All comments welcome!!
  14. Ratty696

    Does Indica Make YOU! Horny?

    DOH!!!! sorry ladies
  15. Ratty696

    Does Indica Make YOU! Horny?

    I'm with you
  16. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Wanted to add a few more pics taken today just so everyone can see my progress. All comments welcome!!
  17. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Well I made a boo boo. I didnt secure the light for my clones well enough and the light fell and burned 2 of my clones. They have picked up quite a bit since I put them in just water. Dont know why it wouldnt work for me the other way but if this works then I'm happy. All coments welcome!!
  18. Ratty696

    What Are You Firin Up??

    I get to smoke some cheap shit with my bong!!
  19. Ratty696

    Clones 18/6 or 24hr????

    Thanx man. I just have them under 2 cfls, just didnt know if they needed dark for rooting.
  20. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Clones arent doing well in peat. I had one clipping that i just placed in a glass of water without rooting gel or anything and it rooted within 3 days. The rest all got droopy almost dead. I took them out of the peat pellets, recut the ends and placed them all in cups of water. This was...