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  1. Ratty696

    what is the secret to rolling the best joint

    Nah They give a stupid f#%$in coin and call it the "Loonie" eh.
  2. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Today is day 49, bought the wife a new camera for her bday so I am able to get some better pics now. Here are some pics of the preflowers on my remaining plants.
  3. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    The way my room is set up I cant really get a better angle to show the whole setup, but I did my best.
  4. Ratty696

    Are these males?

    Hi there this is my first grow I have 13 babies. I am pretty sure that 5 of my plants are males, but I dont wanna chuck them and be wrong. can anyone tell me from these crappy pictures if these do in fact look like males?? I am sure about the females but didnt want them to turn out they were...
  5. Ratty696

    Lets hear some stoner jokes......

    Little boy walks into the washroom, his momo was in the tub. He pointed at her crotch and he said whats that? She said thats where daddy hit me with the axe. The boy said pretty good shot he got you right in the C%$#!!
  6. Ratty696

    Lets hear some stoner jokes......

    Do you like dirty jokes?
  7. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Today is day 46. Plants are doing great just thought id ad a few more pics so you can all let me know what you think.
  8. Ratty696

    White Widow vs Northern Lights

    Havent tried widow yet But wasnt impressed with northern Lights
  9. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    I kinda got a deal with the wife. I'm only aloud to have 6 females thats it. So as soon as the males are outta there I'll be at max capacity.
  10. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    I want to clone but I dont know if ill be living here long enough to do a second crop in this house. Depends how long it takes.
  11. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Here are some new pics taken this morning. They have Grown another 1.5" since I topped them yesterday. Let me know what u think, all your coments are welcome!!
  12. Ratty696

    Why are my leaves wet???

    well thanx for that. I didnt think it was anything major just didnt make sence to me thats all. here is a better pic of the whole garden. Let me know what you think.
  13. Ratty696

    This type of shit pisses me off!

    If they were to legalize marijuana bottom line crime rate would drop and government would save a shitload of money on court cost from busting people not to mention if they made it so they were the distributors they would make a killing.
  14. Ratty696

    Why are my leaves wet???

  15. Ratty696

    Why are my leaves wet???

    Ok its been 3 days since I watered, last night everything was normal, But I just went and checked my babies and some of the leaves are wet. Like someone spilled water on them. Nobody has been in my room what is this?
  16. Ratty696

    So.. I know i've posted food in here before, but come on IM HIGH!

    I dont cook when im high I eat when I'm high.
  17. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    I was gonna give them about another week in veg now that I topped them. They are in approx 4 gallon pots, and I dont have any bigger to do another trans plant. Hoochie As for my reason for topping, I have read that the main colas are the best part of the plant, so What better way to get more...
  18. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    Well I decided to top my plants again, so I am going to veg them for a little longer. I hope I get a good yield!! Does anyone know what white widow under 600W hps will yield per plant? Once again all coments welcome.
  19. Ratty696

    were to grow in my house so no one can find it

    kid give it up
  20. Ratty696

    White Widow My First Grow

    I water once or twice a week depending how dry they get. The last pics do look a little droopy I took them a couple hours after watering, They always droop after watering or feeding...... Dont know why, but they pick back up after about 6 hours. Here are some pics from today.