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  1. Xul

    question about watering coco

    I bookmarked the page! Thanks!
  2. Xul

    question about watering coco

    Yeah, I've done a handful of grows already but i like to hear what others have to say and i've run into difference issues and it's just a nice refresher (my memory isn't the best). I've done both, water every day despite if the coco is dry and i've also let the pots go damn near dry, in fact...
  3. Xul

    question about watering coco

    Ok great, thanks for the replies guys, looks like i better water a little more frequently!
  4. Xul

    question about watering coco

    Hey everyone, I'm curious what all the coco users do for watering their you alternate with nutes once, then plain water the next feeding or do you feed nutes every feeding unless the ppm levels of the runoff is too high and then flush a bit to correct ppm levels? Also, do you water...
  5. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Day 31\Day 24 Topped the plants
  6. Xul

    question about plant pots (drilling holes in pots, etc)

    Yeah makes sense, i i will probably leave my buckets as are :)
  7. Xul

    question about plant pots (drilling holes in pots, etc)

    Is this any help in coco? I grow in coco :)
  8. Xul

    Help with young plants

    Thanks! Yeah, i planned to ramp the nutes up once they're slightly bigger, just transplanted on the weekend, going to top them here soon :)
  9. Xul

    Help with young plants

    Yeah, i water to runoff :)
  10. Xul

    Help with young plants

    Yeah, might just be overthinking it, thanks for the reply!
  11. Xul

    question about plant pots (drilling holes in pots, etc)

    Yeah, it's all i've been using but can't help but always wonder if i could be improving things :) Thanks!
  12. Xul

    Help with young plants

    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if I have a nutrient problem or just over-worrying, but could any of you give your opinion on this young plant? I'm growing inside, in coco, 600ppm npk 3-1-2 ratio, calcium, magnesium and and trace fed as well, PHed to 5.7-6. Hard to tell from pictures but it seems...
  13. Xul

    question about plant pots (drilling holes in pots, etc)

    I've done about half a dozen grows now and try something difference each time. I got lazy with the past couple grows for difference reasons, also battled with pests (spider mites, ugh!) and had lesser results but my interest has been re-invigorated and i'm just trying to re-learn anything i've...
  14. Xul

    question about plant pots (drilling holes in pots, etc)

    Hey Everyone, So I've been reading a bunch about smart pots and air pots and trying to decide what I should do and am basically curious what you guys suggest I do based on the following ideas. For my final containers I use 5 gallon buckets that sit in a table which then drain into buckets...
  15. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Oh nice! Looking great!
  16. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Nice, look like they're doing good now!
  17. Xul

    Are these cobs?

    Here's the bulb here :
  18. Xul

    Are these cobs?

    It will be interesting to see if anytning grows under these :) Thanks for the input!
  19. Xul

    Are these cobs?

    I'm a big lol ...I'm a big horror movie fan, this is from Peter Jackson's Braindead aka Dead of the most bloody\silly\over the top horror movies you'll ever see :)