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  1. Xul

    Are these cobs?

    When i look at these, i see a bunch of tiny squares within the circle, i thought maybe these were tiny diodes within the circle.
  2. Xul

    Are these cobs?

    Hey everyone, based off a grow thread I saw here on RIU, I saw someone flowering their plants under a whole bunch of household led bulbs so i couldn't help but take interest and decided i want to try myself. When I popped off the lenses to these led bulbs, it looks to me like mini cobs, just...
  3. Xul

    New grow from seed

    lol, yeah, i have nothing to measure par or any of that, and don't have a great understanding of it all :) I'm poor so I grow as cheap as I can, i don't pay for power (it's included in the apartment rent) so i'm not concerned with the best effeciency, just looking for cheap smoke and I enjoy...
  4. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Well they're clearly growing and budding good for only 10 days in!
  5. Xul

    New grow from seed

    I'm using some LED lights i got off a work site a while back and have no use for, i i popped the lenses off and they look like this : Looks like a mini cob in there, the whole casing is metal and acts as a heat sync. I have no expectations for these but am curious.
  6. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Yeah, my tap water comes out at about 50ppm :)
  7. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Yeah, one is just 12 screw in led bulbs, i'm curious based off another thread i saw :)
  8. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Yeah, everyone seems to priase the fabric bags :) I planned to transplant again into 5 gal buckets. Thanks for the response! Here are the lights i am planning to try :
  9. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    I just put up a grow journal, which can be seen here : Transplanted the little ones today, thanks for the advice everyone! I was surprised to see them already trying to get root bound at the bottom of the solo cups so it's good I didn't wait...
  10. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Any comments, or feedback is welcomed. I Appreciate any help and constructive criticism or just general questions about the grow. I have been growing for a year or 2 now and still feel like I have lots to learn. Veg will be under T5 lights, then once flowering happens I will be using 3...
  11. Xul

    New grow from seed

    Blue Dream | Cheese | California Orange | Chemdog - Germinated in rockwool cubes. - Using DNF dry nutes w/tap water. - PH nutrients to 5.7 - 6 - Alternate Feedings: Nutes\Plain Water - Planted in Coco Coir - 4' 4 bulb T5HO lighting Day 3 4 main pots are 3 days since sprouting, 3 in the...
  12. Xul

    Should I be feeding Iron and Phosphates seperately?

    Yeah i'm not sure to be honest, i never messed with PH, everything i read basically said you were better off buying fish to suit the ph you have than fight with ph, so that's what i did, and I found myself more interested in the plants than the fish themselves haha, loved the crazy aquascapes...
  13. Xul

    Should I be feeding Iron and Phosphates seperately?

    So does that mean i shouldn't be mixing the 2? I generally mix all my nutes into the same batch of water.
  14. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    I just took a look! Looks great! I'll definitely transplant them this weekend :) Would topping right before, at the same time, or later be my best bet in your opinion?
  15. Xul

    Should I be feeding Iron and Phosphates seperately?

    I use raw DNF (dutch nutrient formula) nutrients (kno3,k2so4,kh2po4,mgso4 in the form of epsom salts,trace elements, and plaster of paris "caso4") and use an aquarium calculator (the fertilator) to find my ppm per gallon. I'm sure most people buy the premixed nutrients as it's easier, but my way...
  16. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Yeah, i get a stable number for a moment but if i leave it for any amount of time it climbs back up, I just use tap water (come out around 7-7.4 with about 50ppm). I always wondered if it climbing back up was an issue or if this happens within the soil and causes issues. I certainly don't have a...
  17. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Oh really? I've always heard between 5.5-6.5 for coco and 6-7 for soil. A lot of youtube videos I've watched seemed to have people PHing to 5.7 on the regular, which is why I went with that number. I'm wondering when I should start topping? I've heard around 5-6 nodes, but i feel like these...
  18. Xul

    Should I be feeding Iron and Phosphates seperately?

    Hey everyone, It just dawned on me, when I use to have a planted fish tank (this is how I learned about plants and nutrients, etc), people use to warn not to feed Iron (Micro nutrients) and phosphates (Macro Nutrient) at the same time (usually opposite days) because supposedly they would...
  19. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Yeah, I PH to around 5.7, I only ever did my first grow in soil, I've used coco ever since, I like being able to monitor what my plant is getting, that way once I do get things dialed in where I'm happy, I can just stick with those numbers.
  20. Xul

    Question about seedlings\early veg

    Awesome, thanks for the feedback everyone! I was wondering if it was a phosphorous deficiency but wasn't sure. Definitely planning to re-pot soon. This is in coco, i PH my water after nutes are added so I think PH is good but i'll double check runoff next watering :) Glad to hear they're...