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  1. DJBoxhouse

    420th Post

    420 post Bada bing! *Jazz hands*
  2. DJBoxhouse

    2010 ballot!!!!!!! CALIFORNIA

    If I could vote for it I would. You have my spirit vote from Canada!
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Favorite Thing to do While High

    Cook food. not exactly eat it, although my love for THAT is on an entirely different level, but I love cooking while completely stoned. It's relaxing.
  4. DJBoxhouse

    My Inspired Pipe

    That's pretty badass, how does it smoke? pretty smooth I'd assume.
  5. DJBoxhouse

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    If america really goes belly up, Canada is probably going to sink pretty deep with it if not completely. - I'll be moving to Ireland, England or India up to that point. shit..
  6. DJBoxhouse

    Making Edibles Without The Harsh Weed Taste?

    straining straining straining. It's ALL about the straining.
  7. DJBoxhouse


    Welcome to riu.
  8. DJBoxhouse

    Tolerance Level Of Shrooms Please Help!

    You should be fine, it might not be as intense as before, it never is. your body gets used to the 'shift' so to speak, some of the excitement is gone each time because your body learns to know what the high is. 4 days though, I tend to wait a week IF anything, but 4 days when only having done 2...
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Why cant I get this Rolling thing down.

    Hahaha, thanks Johnny, I'll be sure my post goes there.
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Why cant I get this Rolling thing down.

    Buy a cigarette roller if you want to smoke joints so bad, I personally don't like them when I can smoke a nice pipe - bubbler - bong - chillum - bucket hit. IN that order. p.s. 10 more posts until I never post again? lol. maybe. I'm thinking about it.
  11. DJBoxhouse

    kids today, god damn

    ouch..on the cheap end 15 a spoiled Canadian heart goes out to you. lol. Mostly everything is 10 bucks, from decent to AAAA a gram, as you go up deals become less and less beneficial the better the shit is, but it's always at most 10 bucks a gram. CAD too. From what you described, i...
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    I get carried away, I'm stoned. whatever. lol.
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    I agree with a lot of what he says, the thing is 'reality' in the sense he is discussing is the 'reality' you experience day by day, and the rest of it you don't experience at all. Like qualities or frequency to sound, there are some out of reach. Some we as an organism have no developed an...
  14. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Yes, I agree, and this does not bare fruit to negativity, pertaining to anything. Existential nihilism is that which I have presented. It only has value we place on it, our purpose is what we make it. There is no more purpose for us than there is for anything else in the universe, why no more...
  15. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Being Nihilistic doesn't mean you hate life. It's simply the denial of a 'real' existence unformed from context or the possibility of an objective basis for truth or value. Essentially to be a horrible generic pig about it 'Life is what YOU make it' to it's very core. I think I'm very happy and...
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    It's less on Existentialism and closer to nihilism, but rather focuses on an existentialists perspective onto a nihilistic mindset. Combo of the two, I get what you mean though, regardless - if you want to answer purpose and meaning and how value ACTUALLY pertains to us as what we are; read the...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Thus spoke zarathustra discussing multiple things, namely the death of the concept of god and how it pertains to the ideology of inherent purpose. "the belief that nothing has any importance and...
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Brevity, You want to understand purpose? If things actually matter or not? You like reading books via pdf? if you do I want to send you a pdf's of somethings to read later.
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Favorite Philosopher?

    ... That..isn't a place you should be pinching people you know z.z
  20. DJBoxhouse

    Favorite Philosopher?

    Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. Theres a fucking chocolate selector map in every box! And what if you got a box of all the same kind of chocolate? You'd know what you got every time! I wish I could internet pinch people. Just a simple button, it's all I ask for. Not too much to desire, is it?