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  1. DJBoxhouse

    Scavenging Stories - I smoked my screen.

    So, I'm bored, locked in my apt until tomorrow evening, have no food and by the time I will be able to eat I wouldn't have since 60 hours prior. No pot and absolutely nothing to watch or do besides read. - and I'm SO bored of reading. ( I normally read between an hour and three a day, so you can...
  2. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    Next year, heh.
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    Exactly. Besides, across the board, if you're and Audiophile then this is pretty much top sound for the most affordable cost when your shit is staying personal and not club house level. My parents rock harder bass then I can even afford btw. I wish I was living at home for that sound, but...
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Dispensary in Ontario?

    Hahah, yeah, it's definitely not a winner. That's for sure. I'm glad I left, theres barely anything to do. I thoroughly appreciate the mindset where, you make your own experiences, your own good times and bad ones. So it doesn't really matter where you are, as long as you intend to have a good...
  5. DJBoxhouse

    This just makes me so angry... above the influence

    I don't know, I laughed at most of it, like a parody of sorts. I don't really mind, even if it was intended to make us look stupid and retarded. Anybody who actually takes that site seriously can keep that opinion for all I care, it holds no worth or value let alone credibility. Just laugh at...
  6. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    I just love the intense 'I feel fucking fabulous rocking out' expression the guy in the gorilla costume keeps for the whole thing. I couldn't help, but at the very least smile in the most minor parts of my laughter.
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Dispensary in Ontario?

    I just moved from there to London recently. Windsor isn't small, but it's fucking lame.
  8. DJBoxhouse

    so i think im having a bad day

    No problem man, It's going to be a bit rough I'll tell you that. I experienced young in highschool a close friend of mine having a kid, so I know the whole thing from start to, well present (it doesn't really ever end lol) Just take it as the experience it is, and spoil the crap out of her...
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    I don't own a pet. Last pet I owned as a lobster. Only lasted a year before I ate him - Oh sprinkles, how I miss your delicious taste. These babies won't be used for simple computer playlisting. I'm going to put it in the living room in a nice wooden holder with a fiberglass casing to protect...
  10. DJBoxhouse

    Guys pls helppp!

    From what information you gave him was he able to deduce the fact that they were 'death caps' and not just normal shrooms? Maybe your friend is a little bit off the handle with information regarding drugs? I met a person once who thought acid made your brain bleed. Thats how you trip out...
  11. DJBoxhouse

    Pet Names For Your Plants

    I just say plants or Business.
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    Somewhat, time fabric modifier. Simply negates the 4th dimension for me. With it I exist in all that is was and will be time. Pretty worth it for 10k.
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    hahahah...epic...priceless.. I can only hope that's how it is.
  14. DJBoxhouse

    Proud owner of a Love Sac

    pff love sacs. A reclining rocking chair beats it any day.
  15. DJBoxhouse

    Feel free to flame me for this...

    It is quite sexy. What would possess you to think you could be flamed for such beauty? Please, post more. I need more than one instance of him playing on my screen at once!
  16. DJBoxhouse

    Religion Poisons Everything

    No no ThaDutchie, you have to be real upset about making that small typo, it's reeaal important. Why else would Buddreams have specifically referenced the typo? Seriously though, future reference, it's nice if you can watch out for those things but it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, the...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    haha- I see I see, you got me all excited there. A bit jealous too, sad to say on my part but I'm kind of happy you don't own a pair. lol, I shall be the first person I have any social connection to what so ever to experience it. : P I'll probably post in this thread a few months from now...
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    Nice. How do you like them? Is it the shit? worth the money?
  19. DJBoxhouse

    Butter To Weed Ratio For Cannabutter, Please Help!

    I use an ounce for every lb stick of butter. P.s. MAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE, FUCK!. nobody makes these. ever. they're fucking delicious.
  20. DJBoxhouse

    Most expensive sound

    I'm a listener, not a creator. Well, that's not entirely true. I fuck around a lot with Dj'ing shit. Don't own any equipment of my own unfortunately as of yet, but I get to screw around a decent amount with a mixer and what not. - No production as of yet with programs like FL or ableton...