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  1. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Well for all practical purposes, I would have to say yes - at least when pertaining to everything and anything that relies on the foundations of comprehending modern day physics to this date. But yeah, for the most part, to say the least, They seem to be getting the jist of it from what I reckon.
  2. DJBoxhouse

    Favorite Philosopher?

    I believe it was intended to mean philosopher as in noted and famous philosophical icons. Ones you'd bother being read up on if you say, studied philosophy in university or on your spare time. Be it off a whim or out of a desire to do so.
  3. DJBoxhouse

    Favorite Philosopher?

    friedrich nietzsche - hands down, save for his personal belief on self given purpose. (I agree with the concept, just not his idea of the ' Übermensch ' In a world lacking inherent meaning or purpose, we as a progressive entity (the human race) must place upon us a purpose for ourselves above...
  4. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    Yup I know, but what is truth but something purely defined off of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation or set of information gathered in said events or situations? That's why theists don't understand and misuse the fact that science can never 'stick to one answer'...
  5. DJBoxhouse

    No cumming for a month.

    I don't think it's a matter of luck, simply will power, instead I'll wish you 'happy sailing' - Hopefully the experience is, uplifting?
  6. DJBoxhouse

    awesome children's book (its just a plant)

    That's awesome.
  7. DJBoxhouse

    Is Anything Real?

    My friend, life IS real, in a sense. In that sense though it's beautiful. Read Richard Hawkins work. He explains much in a very easily digestible way. A brilliant man bringing brilliant understanding to those of open mind. Remember though, an open mind is also an always judging and skeptical...
  8. DJBoxhouse

    How would you like your corpse handled??

    Okay Okay, Iv'e thought of this since I was six. I like the idea till this day - I'm going to have my body rebuilt to be anamatronic, and it will have a speaker that will emit random slogan 'ill think it up when I get close to my funeral' now, it will be two separate pieces of machinery; lower...
  9. DJBoxhouse

    Dj Boxhouse: RIU's top 100 list.

    Lele - Breakfast (Mercury Remix)
  10. DJBoxhouse

    life in prision or suicide?

    Suicide - I choose my own end, and that is a life not worth living in my honest opinion.
  11. DJBoxhouse

    No cumming for a month.

    1) This is the wrong place to be posting this thread, just saying. Theres a much more blatant and obvious place to post this. I won't ask people to do something so awful as 'read' though, what am I? Some sort of pig? I think not. Just some friendly advice. 2) You should get blue balls, Why? It...
  12. DJBoxhouse

    Cannabusiness Vs. Total Legalization

    My advice, it'll never be as illegal to grow as it is now to grow, just keep doing what you're doing if you don't like the system to come. Growing that is. There will always be illegal selling and growing of weed, and unless the government can do it cheaper with better or equal quality, then...
  13. DJBoxhouse

    Is there a way to delete my account?

    Nono, he's going to pull out top of the line technology to identify him on the web. His job is doomed unless he deletes his ram and refrags his processors core pci drive.
  14. DJBoxhouse

    We be high

    This site is meh. at least for information that's deeper then prov to prov/state to state ( for north america ) Smoking tolerance level: 4.8 Legislation: it is against the law to possess marijuana in Canada. If you have baggies, scales or other selling paraphenalia, you may be charged with...
  15. DJBoxhouse

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Johnny-O, My arm spontaneously set itself aflame! Does the store have an ointment for that in it's first aid box? By the way, I think it's still on fire.~ While we're solving this problem, if anyone has joints to light, use my arm. While I'm waiting I might as well get something to drink. Can I...
  16. DJBoxhouse

    The "Explain your name" thread

    I mess around with a lot of electronic music, and a lot of equipment and progs for it; I want to start lol...Who knows. Maybe someday. Boxhouse, I just looked for two objects out my window, I saw a box blowing in the wind and it hit the side of a house. The rest? she was history. - I...
  17. DJBoxhouse

    Halloween Gash

    I stayed in, got high, went to bed, woke up to people yelling, ate a single cracker. Going to kill my roomate when he gets back.
  18. DJBoxhouse

    Lol! It's complicated - I'll explain to you since you made me laugh. I just recently moved to...

    Lol! It's complicated - I'll explain to you since you made me laugh. I just recently moved to London, I have money. I was driven up here from Windsor with a friend BY a friend, who ended up taking my pals(now roomates) spare keys. HIS roomate is gone to bc for the month. My friend (now roomate)...
  19. DJBoxhouse

    kind of stupid but it made me laugh

    ha, I see it now. Only because it's close to that time riiiight about now. - I'm gonna pack a bowl then go to bed.
  20. DJBoxhouse

    kind of stupid but it made me laugh

    I am confused.