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  1. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    Don't jack my thread to give someone else a hard time. It is rude and not tolerated on RIU. Please hate somewhere else. I still love you med even when it seems you are off them sometimes. I have been reading your posts and it seems you are an interesting person. I just ask that you stay on...
  2. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    I got about half way. When I saw the part about the gnostics I had to stop and do some research. As a history buff, I'm aware of the movement yet I never thought about it in the way it was presented in the movie. interesting
  3. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    Yeah, I'm sick and tired of those folks down at the Elk's Club. We need to figure out a way to pin this to them. That would be awesome! </IMG>
  4. Sprouts

    Smoking Ban Does Not Apply to Cannabis

    You know throught history, Amsterdam has shown itself to be the most tolerent state in Europe. It's riches and fame are a credit to this. They never seemed to care what beliefs there merchants had so long as the taxes were paid and their people happy.
  5. Sprouts

    Sprouts Afghan Grow

    Hmmm...Taste like a plant. Smells like something worse. The buzz is VERY HIGH and lasting longer than the last sample or I'm just loosing track of time.. bongsmilie </IMG> Here is a pic of what I'm tasting. Tiny, but effective.
  6. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    The baby boomers had kennedy and we got 9/11. Some remember both as if it happened yesterday. And if we forget, both were caught and are aired regularly on our educational channels. I wonder what day felt worse? </IMG>
  7. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    Woooo there partner, that's everyones favorite when it comes to the blame game. They are the easiest to blame in fact. How else will we rant on about it long after all those who are in power die. No no my friend, even I can think of a few reasons to pass the buck to them. I don't think it was...
  8. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    Wow, that reminds me, who well be are scapegoat once all these old fuckers die?(not pointing at rothschild but all the old farts who did have something to do with it) I'm curious about this fellow rothschild. He must really have some bad enemies to have them pin this on his name. Any pics so we...
  9. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    There are some kids comming of age who do not remember what that day felt like. Most of us do...
  10. Sprouts

    !!!!Bush Set Up 911!!!!!

    I made it to the 3min mark. Hard to watch while you are high, I'm sure just as hard sober. We need to refocus on getting the two head guys who caused this instead of causing more unrest in the region. The first Iraqi war put us on a path to 9/11. Let's hope, after the second war, we can get back...
  11. Sprouts

    Swim suit contest and some brotherly love

    I got this as my wallpaper just so I don't forget to vote.
  12. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    If you are a enemy of decriminalization then one of two things are true: a. You want to be prosecuted to make a statement that weed should not be illegal and you are willing to serve time for it b. You are the law and like hanging out in potheads forums on your time off (btw I hope you are not...
  13. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    hmmm...medicineman, what's your badge number?
  14. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    My brother has been waiting to get into prison for months. He will only serve 20% of his sentence because there is just no room to hold drug related charges in our penitentiaries any longer.
  15. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    Well I've searched and the only one I found was Barack who "inhaled freqantly, That was the whole point". I understand why he would give it up. It would be hard to run a country stoned, but for those who have never used it, go ahead and cast the first stone.
  16. Sprouts

    Decriminalize Marijuana!

    Hmmm who wants to decriminalize marijuana? Search youtube for "<candidate> marijuana" and see for yourself.
  17. Sprouts

    Sprouts Afghan Grow

    Yeah, two buds started growing pollen sacs this week. I'm not sure why she turned but the good news is that I harvested her today and there are no seeds. I wish I knew what caused her to turn though. I've check all the buds and from what I see, it is all sinse right now. We will see what it...
  18. Sprouts

    What are these?

    I busted one open and it seemed to have pollen in it. I'm glad I harvested today because it seems she turned hermes in the last week or so. I've already sampled some of her and found no seeds.
  19. Sprouts

    Sprouts Afghan Grow

    Hmmm....naaa, I'll just smoke it and see what happens.
  20. Sprouts

    What are these?

    My guess is main groth tips of a mature plant.