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  1. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    I will know tonight, damn Amazon 1 day shipping my russet ass!
  2. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    If I wanted to treat the soil as well, what would be the best way to do so? The loupe is coming tonight. Only one plant has gotten worse overnight. Just more curling and tacoing. I might take the first inch off the top of the soil and toss it as well.
  3. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Would you go for either of these 2?
  4. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Thank you! Will update
  5. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    So you recommend any sulpher treatment? How do I apply?
  6. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    I like what you’re saying i can work with that. I purchased test strips but it’s hard to read them to get an exact read off. Any suggestions on good ones? I have to wait till tomorrow for the loupe and I’ll have a better idea.
  7. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    I’m ill get the loupe check it out and I do have a couple people looking into it for me but hell they have their own grows and life to worry about. lol I’ll post updates. Thanks and let me know if anyone has anymore info. It’s moving fast.
  8. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    I can see tiny little orange bugs could it be a different type of mite that’s causing this? If I cut off all the new tips and essentially top it again could that help? I’ll toss them before I run the risk of my wife smoking some neurotoxic shit. What a bummer. I have endured so much physical...
  9. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Yeah so you suggest getting a 60x loop and then if so does this stuff work?
  10. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Hmmm…might be russet mites then, I dont see anything wrong with the stem. Now it’s effecting most my plants…
  11. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    F me that’s sucks ass…always something
  12. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Only ones I see are leafhoppers and I’m really worried that it might be that virus that they spread curly top something….man, right when things are going good…I need to figure out what to do now besides insecticidal soap sprays
  13. MatthiaZ

    What on earth is happening to one of my plants?!

    Hey! Everything’s been fine…didn’t change anything and all other plants are fine. This happened over a 2 day period…what the hell is going on? Weird stunted twisted new growth?
  14. MatthiaZ

    How do I fix the ph on my tap water out of the hose for watering my plants?

    I tested it and it’s 6.8 so I’m trying to bring it down a bit. They seem to be doing good now. I prob should have just stuck with the FFOF but it’s spendy and I was gifted the Promix. It’s probably more like 70/30 Promix. I’ll keep an eye on them and start my compost tea cycles. Trying to focus...
  15. MatthiaZ

    How do I fix the ph on my tap water out of the hose for watering my plants?

    50/50 promix coco and FFOF w/added worm castings. I purchased a hose filter and added some lemon juice in the 30 gallon for a little PH down. I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was watering too fast and my pots weren’t laying even on the ground, so the water and nutrients were t...
  16. MatthiaZ

    How do I fix the ph on my tap water out of the hose for watering my plants?

    I’m in California, would have been great to do this winter but unfortunately not now. I’ve made compost tea that has helped but I think it’s been an issue with the root system. Sounds simple but I am gonna try just flushing them and puncturing new air holes in the bottom of the pots.
  17. MatthiaZ

    How do I fix the ph on my tap water out of the hose for watering my plants?

    Hell yeah! Thank you. An old friend just gave me some ACT? Compost tea that he swears by and they look better over one night. He also said to treat my water with a little lemon juice to drop ph and possibly kill any root rot etc. What’s y’all’s thoughts on Boogie Brew?
  18. MatthiaZ

    How do I fix the ph on my tap water out of the hose for watering my plants?

    Hello everyone. Had some big healthy plants and now after a few waterings from my outdoor hose I’m getting some new growth turning yellow. I need to test my ph run off and tap water first to make sure that’s my culprit but how do I treat my hose/tap water in a 50 gallon trash bin before I use it...
  19. MatthiaZ

    Thoughts on PureCrop1?

    Looks like I’m having another issue. Maybe overwatering? Would the Dr Browns soap dilute spray cause browning/yellowing of the fan leaves? I watered yesterday and in one day this happened to my biggest lady. We have also had intense sun here for three days and it’s been cloudy long before this...
  20. MatthiaZ

    Thoughts on PureCrop1?

    So it seems like after I just sprayed with Dr Browns soap and clean water, I don’t see any bugs today except bigger predatory bugs. More so than usual. I’m guessing they are eating the “Hopefully” dead mites? I will keep spraying daily for 12 days. The plants don’t seem to mind and I think I...