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  1. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    These were small and stretchy, now they are small and bushy 6 weeks in
  2. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    High stress training
  3. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    The whole point of learning is to ask why, what in Gods green earth are you taking about? And BRO science? I know chicks that will grow you under the table you dingleberry sausage!
  4. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    It’s working…
  5. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    Who cares
  6. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    You are right there’s no point in educating yourself
  7. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    So you are saying your Portugal, England and France? I’m not trying to prove the earth is flat, I just want to pillage! Any suggestions or am I too late to enjoy my sticky stash…
  8. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    And why does that happen?
  9. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    How can you say that if the lower buds are getting much more direct sunlight and the fan leaves are out of the way, still photosynthesizing but not covering the smaller nodes?
  10. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    They really have, where I bent the plant the buds underneath are growing faster and getting much more resin production, so much so that they are catching up to the size of the branch that I bent over. Now that they are healing I will post more pics.
  11. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    Would you want one 20g cola and popcorn or six 6gram colas? Winter harvest, I’ll take whatever advantage I can get…plus resin output is greater!
  12. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    Do you want one small or many small, dingleberry? Cut the head off the hydra, you get more heads. No matter the size. They are 5 weeks old, they have plenty of time to grow.
  13. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    Different daylight/sunlight. You can only grow outdoor in the winter in certain locations. You want ideally 12/12 sun/darkness for the plant to grow buds. You won’t have gigantic plants like in the summer where it’s warmer and has 16/8 and then harvest in the fall at 12/12 but some strains like...
  14. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    With some of my strains, I had to feel around for the toughest part in the middle of the stem. I bent one over that was not strong enough and the plant focused it’s healing on the bottom stronger half and let the top just die off, so I just cut it and bandaged it and smoked the ever living shite...
  15. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    Grow bibles on Amazon. Buy em. Read em. Education is key.
  16. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    I did it because I’m outdoors and don’t have to worry about room and this way I don’t lose the top, I just train it to make way for the others buds to grow. They were not bushy enough to net, it would have just been the main cola sticking up and shading the entire plant.
  17. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    I’ll send more pics. So the cola or Kola are your main bud/ flower points. Since I’m doing a winter harvest, the plants aren’t getting the intense direct silent that a summer harvest would give you…because of this, my plants were stretching for the sun and they only had one main bus on the top...
  18. MatthiaZ

    Supercropping works wonders!

    The plants were very stretchy with one main cola before I sc, after about 12 days the smaller popcorn buds turned into new colas. Went from 1 to 6 each BUT it stunted the lateral growth for now, making up for it with becoming more bushy and super frosty!