Search results

  1. speedwell68

    What results have people been getting 5x5 tent and aprox 600w of led

    I am growing in a 4x4 with 600w of lights. I have 6 plants in 4.5 US gallon pots and I would be happy with 16oz. I am not sure what I will get as it is my first full run with these lights and pots. I like to run smaller plants with multiple strains. I could run less plants in bigger pots and...
  2. speedwell68

    Pissed of at some bad behavior...

    This is the internet.
  3. speedwell68


    I use a cheap 500w oil filled radiator for the dark period. I set it to 50% and it automatically switches on when the lights switch off and off again when they come on. I also have a 80w tube heater for when the lights are on, it only comes on when the temp hits 23c. I like to keep the temps...
  4. speedwell68

    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    My tent is 2.3M^3 so I guess it would be fine.:D I have a pair of Systemair RVKs, I think I might build a MDF box like that and see what difference it makes. I have plenty of rock wool insulation to fill the box with. I was given the RVKs for nothing. I am not keen on them because they are...
  5. speedwell68

    which light and ventilation would you recomend for small veg box?

    That is a very interesting fan. I was about to drop some cash on a AC Infinity as it was the quietest I could find, that trumps it by 10 dB. That would suit me better as I can mount it outside the tent. Some more research is needed. Thanks for the tip.
  6. speedwell68

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I live on a headland that juts out into the North Atlantic. All the schools are shut.
  7. speedwell68

    Root coming out of pot HELP!

    What medium are you growing in? Coco Coir? Soil?
  8. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    I am playing around with OpenHAB at the moment for that off grid experience.
  9. speedwell68

    Should i be worried about the colour

    What strain is it? I have a Honey Cream by RQS that is doing similar for no apparent reason. I have 3 of the same strain, the other two haven't done it, so I guess it is a trait of that particular phenotype.
  10. speedwell68

    Age/maturity of plant = potency?

    It could have been the first link in the search results.
  11. speedwell68

    My beauty autos. Northern lights, gelato and purple silverback!

    Hard to know really, I LST'd them pretty low to the surface of the pot. I did them in a low poly tunnel. I guess they were at least 1m if I had allowed them to grow up. I am certain they could have yielded a bit more, but I didn't really put the effort in and I could have located them better...
  12. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    I'd be giving the ISP fuck then. What is the 4g/5g coverage like where you are? Lots of people are using it as a viable alternative to a land line these days. The mobile coverage where I live is fair, but not as fast as my landline. I was in the city the other day and the speeds on 4G were...
  13. speedwell68

    My beauty autos. Northern lights, gelato and purple silverback!

    Looking good. I did 5 Northern Lights Autos outdoors last summer and yielded 10oz of seriously nice weed. My next indoor grown will be 5 more, RQS keep sending them to me for free.
  14. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    Is that the internet dropping out or the Wifi? When I first moved into this house I had a nightmare with Wifi. 2.4Ghz Wifi is appallingly bad, it suffers from cross channel interference, so if you have your neighbour's networks crossing over on the same channel as yours, you are fucked. If...
  15. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    Not at all. The biggest lights I have ever run was 2x400 HPS, which isn't even a 4 amp load. Currently I am only pulling 600w through 4x150 QBs. I use a mixture of Sonoff, Smart Life and TP Link switches, it is wise not to put all your eggs in one basket. They are all rated at 10 amps...
  16. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    My TV is voice controlled, I love it.
  17. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    I have had timers fail over and over again. The amount of times I have had issues with a smart switch can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
  18. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    The irony of that statement is hilarious.
  19. speedwell68

    ALEXA TURNED ON MY LIGHTS :Accidental light during flowering dark period

    I have been using Google Assistant to control my grows for a couple of years and I would never go back to timers. A top tip is not to call you smart switches things like "light", that way it can't be confused with any other device. My lights are the Tardis, my fans are the Warp Drive and my...