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  1. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    Waiting on clones to reveg. Have buckets prepped and ready to go. I figure another 3-4 weeks and I'll transplant. Once the 4x4 is done clones should be established enough for flower. Worst comes to worst I have another 4x4 and HPS I can put them under if they get ahead of the flower tent. So...
  2. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    5 weeks today since flip. And for fun a little pollen chucked lower (Sundae Stallion x Copper Chem).
  3. Hashishh


    I'm still on a bag of the v2. Didn't know they changed their formula again. Let us know how it is compared to the old formula. With the v2 I use a spoonful of Epsom per gal or two of feed or I find I get problems. Does the new formula dissolve easier? One thing I've found with the old MC is...
  4. Hashishh


    Rabbit snare if no domestic animals wander the area. They make good stew. If you need some recipes let me know.
  5. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    I like mesquite paired with a nice steak. The Cherry we have around here is often called "choke cherry". It adds a bit of a bitter taste which a lot of people don't like. I find it goes great with chicken and pork though. There isn't much availability for cooking wood up here.
  6. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    Gone out two days in a row with not a bite. Looks like rain for the next few days so I'll probably cozy up at home and get some stuff done inside.
  7. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    My folks use to smoke them when I was a kid - I remember sneaking in the fridge and stealing some like some forbidden candy lol. My dad was showing me his old notes from when he use to smoke meat. Seems he used a lot of cherry since it's easy to find local. What's your favorite wood to smoke...
  8. Hashishh

    Hashishh's Perpetual Fishing Trip

    Went down to the lake today. No fishies, but the dog had a blast. Got sent a good deal on some quantum boards from Meijiu. Anyone ever used QBs in a 4x4? Weird spread since the lights are only 2'x7.5"ish. Was thinking of getting 3. Shipped to my door theyre only 650$ Canadian. I'm only...
  9. Hashishh

    Yellow drying leaves with brown spots - seems to be spreading?

    Take advantage. Find that sweet spot and roll with it. I'm under a fairly strong light and feed at 800ec with soilless. Someone with actual soil might get away with just water or a water, water, light feed, water, etc. Try just water for a bit and see if they turn around.
  10. Hashishh

    Yellow drying leaves with brown spots - seems to be spreading?

    Take a look through this;
  11. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    Yup. Till it all starts to flower. Good luck OP. I'll come back when I get buddy's left nut.
  12. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    Can I have that left nut now?
  13. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    Yup, yup and yup. Doesn't mean his lights aren't to blame. Even an auto should be bigger than that. Believe what you will. OP I'm out. I say get some better lights. You'll be replicating these disappointing results until then. What you'll get will be fluffy.
  14. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    And so have you. You're assuming his genetics are bunk. I'll clear it up - I won't assume further than I have until I get more information. I'll take a guess and say he does need more light. He probably stunted the plant a few times but he likely needs more light primarily.
  15. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    Just wait. I'm guessing the photos are still in veg. Never said that actually, but thanks. I'll speak for myself now if that's fine? I'm not gonna dumb it down or throw assumptions, though I've got a pretty good idea on what the issue is with his plants. If OP cares to drop some more info...
  16. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

  17. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    I'll bet my right nut if you bet your left ;)
  18. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    There's more to it than that.
  19. Hashishh

    Help! am i doing something wrong?

    If you're looking at growing 3-4 plants and wanna skimp on light a bit try a QB. You can get some 320w lights for a pretty fair price, especially from Kingbrite and Meijiu. Would be a definite upgrade from that 100w light you have.