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  1. max316420

    6 weeks into flower, going hermie?

    Naw that's not goin hermie.... your good
  2. max316420

    whats wrong with my plant

    Could be from PH fluctuation too..
  3. max316420

    Can someone help me out please pics

    I think that could be lack of potassium or lack of nitrogen.. I know someone will say "thats not a sign of nitrogen def" but in some cases this can occur..
  4. max316420

    Help please yellowing leafs

    The plant is eating any stored magnesium from the fan leaves in order to produce new foliage thus leaves being drained of foods
  5. max316420

    Help please yellowing leafs

    lack of magnesium... Alot of people don't know that a plant wouldn't be green wo magnesium
  6. max316420

    Clones are rooted and in FFOF, have ?s Thank you

    and give them a chance to get over the "transplant" shock
  7. max316420

    Help please yellowing leafs

    And one foliar feeding of calmag at that diluted rate isn't gonna help at all, you need to feed them with it with each watering
  8. max316420

    Help please yellowing leafs

    Most common def there is.... General organics IMO calmag works the best for soil
  9. max316420

    Help please yellowing leafs

    Magnesium def
  10. max316420

    Cant search for spider mites

    I got the same results you did, something is fucked up
  11. max316420

    Cant search for spider mites

    Spider mites are members of the Acari (mite) family Tetranychidae, which includes about 1,200 species.[1] They generally live on the under sides of leaves of plants, where they may spin protective silk webs, and they can cause damage by puncturing the plant cells to feed.[2] Spider mites are...
  12. max316420

    *****possible premature flowering?*** & oversided "fat" leaves..why????

    naw your fine, just get the lights back on their regular schedule and they will continue to vegg
  13. max316420

    can't ID problem with plant (pics)

  14. max316420

    Issue On My Rooms Plz.

    Those look fabulous... From the looks I would say 2-3 more weeks and you should be able to chop chop
  15. max316420

    Help, Leaves dying

    and p.s. if it was so easy then why does this section have the second highest number of posts??
  16. max316420

    Help, Leaves dying

    I beg to differ... And yes you can get confused very easily on sites like this. Let me rephrase that, it's one of the hardest plants to grow inside because it requires so much attention and it's heartbreaking when you fuck up and kill your ladies. I'm sure when you put them outside and just let...
  17. max316420

    Springtails? identify me? !!

    Doesn't matter what they are, get some shit to nuke em....There is only 2 types of bugs you want around your ladies, ladybugs and spiders..
  18. max316420

    Help, Leaves dying

    Get rid of their calmag and get some general organics calmag... botanicares calmag sucks in soil, IMO doesn't work worth a shit..
  19. max316420

    Help What do you think??

    water it.....