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  1. N

    Mites or Paranoia?

    It does look like the little red things that are on your stem there.
  2. N

    Mites or Paranoia?

    Ugh.... i took the leaf from near the top of the plant.
  3. N

    Mites or Paranoia?

    I found a couple leaves with some spots on my Krypto - 6 weeks into flowering. Are these spider mite eggs? See photo of leaves and under microscope top and bottom of leaves. Plant looks otherwise healthy with no webbing or anything.
  4. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    The plant was drying out too much. When watered - the runoff came out immediately. I did what the guy at the hydro store suggested and it does look much better now.
  5. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    1600 PPM after feed and 380 or so after a water-only feed.
  6. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    6.5 in and 6.4 out
  7. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    Ok - the guy at the hydro store recommended watering with 1/2 gallon plain PH water prior to feeding a full nute feed. I told him that water comes right out of the plant as soon as I water.
  8. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    Last watering was 1600 runoff ppm
  9. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    What do you think it is then? It is bone dry right now
  10. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    Thanks - that one you posted is sideways - my pic is over top so maybe that is the difference?
  11. N

    Fungus Gnat??

    I have a plant that is starting 4th week of flowering. Have had some fungus gnats (I think). I saw a couple flying around while in VEG and thought I had gotten rid of them. Now in flower, sticky trap shows this guy under a microscope in the first pic. (it is pretty small on the yellow...
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    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    I think it was a combination of low PH and not enough nutrients. I top dressed with some dolomite lime, watered with some higher PH and fed higher level nutrients as well as adding CALMAG. I hadn't thought I needed it since I was using tap water. My tap is 118 PPM, which I guess is pretty...
  13. N

    5th week flower - need help!! Overnute? Undernute?

    OH - yeah - sour sister is the strain. I have no idea how long the strain is supposed to be but 5 weeks is way too early to start yellowing right?
  14. N

    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    ... Maybe this: Too much potassium can also sometimes cause the appearance of a calcium deficiency From this article: Maybe giving too much flower nutes for autos...
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    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    Thanks for all the input!! This is indeed my first grow and I have a couple plants in the flower tent looking very good in FFOF. I didn't PH my water at first either because I didn't own a digital PH pen and the strips I had were clumsy to read at best. I've been paying much closer attention...
  16. N

    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    Last water was PH'd to 6.9 and runoff was only 5.6 Previous watering to that - PH in was 6.4 and runoff was 5.5!!
  17. N

    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    Thank you. OK - next water on the 2nd one I will use 8 PH. The other plant is in the correct range.
  18. N

    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    Thank you. I don't think it is the PH - both plants have it and PH has been steady. I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Green Planet 1-step nutes, but I follow their schedule with the other 4 additives. I will try CalMag next time. I have the Botanicare CalMag Plus - is that going to be...
  19. N

    Jack Herer Autoflower issues

    No one has a guess?