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  1. max316420

    A monster at 3 weeks from switch

    they are lacking magnesium.. I think. Can you take a pic with the HPS light off?
  2. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    common misconseption but that's not it, you have a calmag issue starting
  3. max316420

    24\0 for 6 nites a week and 18/6 for 1

    but of coarse your electric bill will be more but the benefits out weigh the downfall
  4. max316420

    24\0 for 6 nites a week and 18/6 for 1

    not beneficial.... keep the light on for the 24/0, plant grows 30% faster
  5. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    IMO runoff is inaccurate when testing ph, but you know what they say about opinions, their like assholes... everybody's got one and most of them stink lol
  6. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    I vegg for 10-12 days and still add dolomite lime to my promix and STILL have to supplement with calmag with one of my strains
  7. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    Well I can tell you that your plant(s) have depleted any lime that was added by the company
  8. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    Do not pick the leaves off, let them die if their gonna and if you can LIGHTLY tug the leaves and they come off then thats fine but if they don't come off very easily then I would leave them alone. That plant feeds off stored foods in the fan leaves
  9. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    I have used promix for a LONG time and I can tell you that there isn't enough lime in there to satisfy their magnesium needs, especially if vegged for more than 10-12 days
  10. max316420

    Please help - Brown Spots

    The only thing about that is it wouldn't cause the leaf to look like that, that quick. Did it take time to come to look like this or did it happen in a short period of time. And about ppm's, if your using tap water you might wanna test it before adding your food to see what it is. Say your...
  11. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    BTW she is beautiful....
  12. max316420

    Flowering: Yellow Leaves - Should I be Concerned ?

    Looks like a start to a magnesium def, but he is right they are weak and can cause lower leaves that are shaded to yellow and eventually die.. But you might wanna do some research on magnesium/calcium issues.
  13. max316420

    High Soil PH and leaves deficiencies

    I can tell you right now that THAT is a calmag issue, next crop start using calmag as soon as you switch your lights to 12/12
  14. max316420

    Too many plants dilema

    Naw... put your hand at the top of the plants and if your hand can take the heat then your ladies will be fine. I have fit ALOT of plants under 400 watters in the past
  15. max316420

    Tiny white spots/Bumpy leaves?

    Here is a pic from a recent thread someone posted... Does it look anything like this?
  16. max316420

    Tiny white spots/Bumpy leaves?

    Look where the stem meets the leaves and see if there is any webbing, that's usually where it starts. Also check the undersides of leaves for any webbing also.
  17. max316420

    Tiny white spots/Bumpy leaves?

    Get some neem oil and spray both sides of all leaves, if it's not spidermites then the worst thing thats gonna happen is it will shine your leaves
  18. max316420

    White Widow Nitrogen claw

    And in veg it seems like they can take anything you can throw at them. If you think you overfed them then you can give a good flush and wait a watering to feed and see how it goes
  19. max316420

    White Widow Nitrogen claw

    I'm growing greenhouse ww now and she's pretty easy. Have done a few harvest and usually fed full strength wo any problems.. 3 ts's sensi bloom plus calmag and they seem to love it. Pics will help tho because you might have a underlying problem
  20. max316420

    White Widow Nitrogen claw

    do you have any pics?