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  1. S

    Happy frog fert

    The big bloom is organic and the happy frog/peace of mind amendments are also organic
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    organic potassium?

    Look up banana peel tea, langbenite, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, green sand, granite dust, hardwood ashes, chicken manure and goat manure
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    Autoflower, Coco Loco Only?

    Use some coco loco and some megacrop, you’ll do fine. You could do coco loco for 3 weeks then start with megacrop or feed a small dose of mega and up it every week. I love the loco
  4. S

    They seems ok?

    Hey man pistols change color when they are maturing also, I wouldn’t worry about it too much until you see buds forming and see seeds then you’ll know. They look good. Pink pistols is just a nice looking pheno
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    Curling leaves

    Leaves look dark green how much N did you give them? Also if they are auto flowers give her 20/4, they still need a dark period to relax
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    Bat guano in compost tea?

    You my friend are a damn genius!
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    Bat guano in compost tea?

    Look up budswel tea man, it’s a dry tea you brew and it has ewc, bat guano and other stuff. Also red frog tea is the bomb and that had all the other stuff plus Lang, alfalfa, kelp and more.
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    New growth looks light greenish yellow

    It’s just what new rapid healthy growth looks like. Your doing well.
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    Long time synthetic grower switching to organic grow, thoughts?

    or put that in the bottom half and something less hot in the top half
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    Long time synthetic grower switching to organic grow, thoughts?

    Try out some megacrop its effective and pretty straight forward. Some earthworm castings. I did my own version of the Subcool super soil which I thought worked amazing. IMO organic smells and tastes better, and the buds were super frosty.
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    Powdery Mildew, Sulfer and H2O2

    Shoot I keep forgetting that.. sorry my dude
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    Powdery Mildew, Sulfer and H2O2

    Try Doctor Zymes, it’s really effective.. might effect terps but their stuff is awesome
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    Calmag def or something else?

    I had to use some lime and sulfur cause I messed something up. Do you have a soil probe
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    Calmag def or something else?

    Low ph then too high
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    Calmag def or something else?

    Check your pH, looks like some nute burn. My leaves looked the same. But for me deficiency’s that were showing was because pH.
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    Good guy or bad guy?

    Okay so it doesn't seem like a coincidence but I had the same bug in my happy frog soil once, then top dressed with it and had another one, you on the east coast? It seems as if these bags have bugs in them...
  17. S

    Good guy or bad guy?

    Are you using Happy frog soil? Also I had found only two of these in my soil and couldn't figure out if they were bad or not. They look similar to this milk beetle that ISN'T good for pot plants but I let it ride for a little. I'd soil drench with some organic mix of pesticide just in case. Look...
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    Using sulfur and gypsum to lower soil pH...

    Thanks man, I’m doing organic with mychoz using recharge so I appreciate you telling me that I was just wondering how long it’d take for them to break it down. I tossed humic acid in my soil to lower ph. pH is too high at 7.7 contemplating a flush but idk. 3 weeks left and got a bad ph issue...
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    Latest (Last) Version Subcool Super Soil Recipe

    I use the sea bird and love it tbh
  20. S

    Latest (Last) Version Subcool Super Soil Recipe

    Do you have the NPK’s on those ingredients by any chance? I know dolomite, humic, oyster shells, & epsom don’t have any but I know the fish bone meal was a specific 3-16-0 npk