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  1. S


    Definitely don’t want something to happen to this one.
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    I admit to some. I sprayed with Doctor Zymes which I know accelerates damage to some leaves if they had problems. But I only sprayed a few (3 to 4) leaves and some of these leaves never had damage and now they have the rust spots or black dead spots. Burnt tips. I might’ve nute burned them.
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    Oyster Shells, kelp meal, sea bird guano, worm castings, rhizotonic, cannazym & when I thought this was a cal/mag deficiency I fed botanicare cal/mag. I held off on blood meal because it’s a 12-0-0 N amendment. I also fed the very hurt girl some Cha Ching by FF. Could this have been the plant...
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    My other lady has this going on ONE of her leaves. Rusty spots and one rusty line. I amended the mediums with oyster shells, kelp meal, worm castings, and sea bird guano.
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    The spread of this hasn’t stopped. Fed cal/mag and ph is at 6.6. Tap water with dry amendments in soil.
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    Thrips or deficiency

    Already got it broskii just need verification! I have that and doctor zymes to rotate. Anyother recommendations. Also I’m going to assume that’s from the thrips (the leaves)
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    Thrips or deficiency

    Nothing on traps but this was on my leaf
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    Thrips or deficiency

    Thrips or
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    You guys tell me? I snipped some bottom leaves with it and then I rubbed the fan leave that was still attached with h202 and tap water
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    Leaf burn on tip

    That’s what I figured. Probably pulling power from the sugar leaves cause they’re older and doing it’s purpose.
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    Leaf burn on tip

    Dry amendments man, it’s in the soil already, so I don’t water till run off.
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    Leaf burn on tip

    I do 1/2 gal foliar spray around the ring like you said and I water every 2-3 days.
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    Leaf burn on tip

    It is the lower leaves, some leaves are cupping down a little without dark green leaves pointing down so I’m assuming it’s either under watering/over watering or nute burn? I use slow feed amendments from down to earth. During the veg to flower transition I didn’t lower N. I’ve been using the...
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    Light Stress?

    I’ve done the same thing, dim it, raise the light, and definitely have a isolating fan on your ladies. If you have recharge feed them with some on your next feed, or some kelp.
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    What are these markings

    I know sir! Just thought I’d let ya know. Happy growing
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    What are these markings

    Just so you know my friend the pH had dropped to 6.6 in the area I was talking about. Thanks for all the advice / help
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    Using only Down To Earth mixed bags

    I'd go with langbeinite over azmomite since it'll leave some bad metals in the bud if not used correctly. The safer route but Azomite is amazing
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    What are these markings

    Soil pH pen by bluelabs. I water with rhizotonic and cannazym every 3 days. I Feed by foliar sprayer and use dry amendments for nutes in 5gal pots. Recharge some feedings. 1/2 gallon for 2 plants and never use all of the water. I never water for run off and I also saturate then let it settle in...
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    What are these markings

    So I took my pH on the little one and 1/4 of the pot read 7 in the soil, the other 3/4 was 6.6. Hopefully not root rot.. but I’ll water with some cannazym next feed and will check pH tonight again in that spot.
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    What are these markings

    From my conclusion (and thank you for the responses again!) is they weren’t acclimated to my light yet. I am using it the way I should. It’s more than 48” away at full power now. Bigger girl is in week 3, the smaller one is in 2. But it only happened when I put the dimmer down and made it...