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  1. S

    Using sulfur and gypsum to lower soil pH...

    It has both in that bag I actually bought some myself because the hardware stores and garden shops were closed and I needed some fast due to a lime over load. How long will these typically take to start having an effect on pH?
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    Sound like a good tea?

    Yeah my ph was acidic and now alkaline. Definitely had lockout of a few things. I added Lime and I want to 7.5 in pH now I’m using some sulfur to lower it. Live and learn. They haven’t shipped my stuff out yet nor responded to me. Hopefully I get them. I bought the bloom tea and premium tea
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    Pistels browning too early

    I have read some strains just do that
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    Down to earth amendments Question

    Thank you sir
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    Down to earth amendments Question

    Hey everyone new to the organics game! Wondering something. I made my own soil but i want to know how to top dress properly with these amendments so I dont cause adverse reactions. Sea Bird Guano(0-11-0) Humic acid Lang(0-0-22) AlfAlfa Meal(2.5-0.5-2.5) Fish Bone Meal(3-16-0) Blood Meal(12-0-0)...
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    I did give some N with some bloodmeal but I did put some lime into the mix and f'ed up the ph. it was at 5.9 from top dressing some humic acid. im at 8 now. starting to think i should flush with ph 6.2.. i dont want too because im organic but i'm still learning. did this whole grow fine until...
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    What do you guys think.. or did I over fertilize. I’ll check the pH tonight
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    Burned tips and edges some purpling on stems

    Cupping on some leaves and dark spots.. definitely over watered. Could’ve misdiagnosed and could be over watering a ton. I’ll let it dry out and see where the pH ends up. Checked today it’s at the same ph of 7.2. Hopefully I can bounce her back.
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    Sound like a good tea?

    Impressive to say the least! Fattened buds, a lot of shiny trichs! I’m actually running into a problem rn and can’t diagnose it. I think it’s a Cal/mg deficiency. My pH was at 5.9 with burned tips and edges here and there, then I added dolomite lime and that put me at 7.2. So I watered with...
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    I second on the spinosad that or doctor zymes
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    Help with auto flower

    What nutrients are you using, whats your pH, etc
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    Burned tips and edges some purpling on stems

    After further investigation I see dark spots coming in on the veins of some older leaves. This leaves me to believe I have an Mg deficiency also from the yellow leaf below. With the amendments i put it I noticed there wasn’t one with a good amount of mg in it so later on at feed I’m adding some...
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    Sound like a good tea?

    My soils already amended with some Down to earth amendments (blood meal, fish bone meal, oyster shells, lime, Lang, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, humic acid,sea bird guano) so i should be good. Can’t wait to try the tea
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    Seed? Hermie? Help!

    What I’d do is take some tweezers and pluck them (if you don’t have anymore plants near it atm). Don’t want it to pollinate other plants. Then maybe isolate it or put it outside if u still want it to go. But then wash your hands and stuff. Change clothes.
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    Tips of leaves starting to twist/spiral

    From my understanding from other posts if there isn’t anything else going and your going into pre-flower the twisting of the growth is from hormones going crazy and it’s an indication it’s about to flower. If other things were showing up it’d be root problems or light problems. Someone correct...
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    Burned tips and edges some purpling on stems

    There’s like 3 tips with burn that are curling up and I can’t tell if it’s light or nute burn.
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    Burned tips and edges some purpling on stems

    Hey guys so on my auto Kryptonite I have some burning and yellowing of some tips, as well as JUST ON TOP LEAVES burning on the edges. Aug 2nd I fed her beastie bloomz in pre-flower to beef up bud sites. Then august 4th almost a week ago I fed her dry amendments that were due for the 3 week...
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    Sound like a good tea?

    What would you say for an autoflower with those teas?
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    Hey man so for the Amending of the soil doesn't need to be done till week 3. I did 50/50 For the week 3 dress, then after another 3 I did 70/30 (4-8-4/4-4-4). But you can alter that as you go. I did recharge every other feed.
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    Sound like a good tea?

    I just laughed so hard at this! That stuff looks very promising, I definitely want to give this a try! Is premium used for both Veg and Bloom or? I might snag a bag now. Edit: I just bought a bag!