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  1. sickleaf

    Green Smoke Room

    you still around? any luck yet?
  2. sickleaf

    Green Smoke Room

    Bag seed grows makes for good practice, once you confident in your growing abilities then you can start investing in good genetics... I have yet to find a reputable SA seed bank so seeds ordered from the overseas will be expensive cause the rand is so shit... i assume you wanna do a pc tower...
  3. sickleaf

    Green Smoke Room

    Great stuff!
  4. sickleaf

    good or bad soil choice.

    they look just about ready for a bigger pot, just make sure you make plenty of holes for drainage... but yea, plants are looking good so keep doing what you doing :bigjoint:
  5. sickleaf

    Seeds not opening

    is it too cold maybe? could have drowned too, the only advise i can give is to take a step back and read up on your new hobby... there is lots to learn.
  6. sickleaf

    New grower desperate to know if male or female!

    if you want seeds, then yea
  7. sickleaf

    New grower desperate to know if male or female!

    are they on 12/12? cant really see what going on at the nodes...
  8. sickleaf

    New grower desperate to know if male or female!

    easy mate, look for balls... the usualy clump together, all sack-like n shit... fems have whispy "hairs"
  9. sickleaf

    Is my seedling ok?

    i'd go 12/12 now but thats because im easily excited
  10. sickleaf

    Anxiety related to Cannabis - help?

    one day at a time
  11. sickleaf

    Seeds not opening

    24 hours? most would have cracked at least
  12. sickleaf

    Seeds not opening

    i suppose its possible
  13. sickleaf

    Someone please help!!

    first grows teach you alot, keep at it!
  14. sickleaf

    My first seeds ever just arrived

    seems about right
  15. sickleaf

    Coco Coir

    if its true, there should be no need for nutes or calmag till flowering stage
  16. sickleaf

    Coco Coir

    some new coco products claim to have been pre-buffered and nutes added, any thoughts on this type? also sold compressed, but marketed as potting soil
  17. sickleaf

    Smell control in closet grow

  18. sickleaf

    Smell control in closet grow

    smelly plants = unhappy plants?
  19. sickleaf

    can someone tell me if these are ready to crop??

    keen to hear if you boiled your roots and the results. rm3 swears by it, as do others