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  1. sickleaf

    moving young vegging plants and temp fluctuation

    Your babies wont like the cold, that may slow down growth... moving them around wont hurt them, I've had the same issues... my temps at night are sometimes 14 and during the day upto 24 degrees... thats a 10 degree difference :(
  2. sickleaf

    First grow

    cool man, as long as you confident you not overwatering :weed:
  3. sickleaf

    do these look good

    they look fine to me, most of the growth is happening underground, hang in there
  4. sickleaf

    First grow

    I had similar issues to you, what I've learned is that my soil choice was poor, causing slow growth then compensating by overwatering and nutes - thinking thats gonna help her grow faster but all you are doing is making it worse... read the guide, continue to learn
  5. sickleaf

    First grow

    check this out:
  6. sickleaf

    water plants with boiling water before harvest ????

    cant wait to try this boiling water voodoo :weed:
  7. sickleaf

    Help please

    I am still searching for the best soil, my country has very few soil products and the ones I've tried have been terrible... fuckin wood chips and even a fucking shoelace in my soil... so maybe coco potting soil is the way to go for me as that one of the only products available here in South...
  8. sickleaf

    water plants with boiling water before harvest ????

    i love this thread :bigjoint:
  9. sickleaf

    watering - before or after lights out?

    I would assume a plant rests when the lights go out, by that logic i would say rather feed when lights are on... but i dont how much a difference it would make if any
  10. sickleaf


    yes, i see root tips... plant!
  11. sickleaf

    Did I overwater my seedling?

    great advice @whitebb2727 :leaf:
  12. sickleaf

    Did I overwater my seedling?

    could be soil issue too, seedlings roots dont like bark chips for instance...
  13. sickleaf

    What the hell is going on here?!

    i had the same issue, roots dont like the wood chips and dont grow easily around them which slows down growth, you tend to over-water in this case, thinking she is thirsty - which compounds the problem... i tossed a few due to this and the stronger looking ones I kept, but i dont think its worth...
  14. sickleaf

    A little help needed please - Lighting Question

    @Tejen Naidoo Yes, its 5m but you can cut and connect to fit your needs... I'm unfamiliar with custom LED setups to be of any use in recommending anything... cheers
  15. sickleaf

    First indoor T5 (8x54w) grow, hows it looking?

    I'd be so thrilled, who ever said gardening was boring? :D
  16. sickleaf

    First indoor T5 (8x54w) grow, hows it looking?

    Thanks @Bose i'm hoping I'm as lucky as you, just two fems outa 20 plants will do, anything extra will be a bonus :) but early days still...
  17. sickleaf

    Hi RIU dose any 1 know wht this is please pics

    everything causes cancer, just living causes cancer...
  18. sickleaf

    How old is my plant

    :bigjoint: happy growing!
  19. sickleaf

    A little help needed please - Lighting Question

    @Tejen Naidoo I think these LED grow strips would make for a great micro-grow my friend
  20. sickleaf

    A little help needed please - Lighting Question

    1 South African Rand equals 0.048 British Pound FUCK! Sucks to be South African right now