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  1. DeeTee

    seedlings in rockwool

    Although I don't pre germinate my seeds I usually make a small hole in the cube, place my seed and cover with a little soil, ( you didn't mentioned if you do or don't) that way the sprout only has to push through the soil rather than rockwool which can make it tough for the sprout, hope this...
  2. DeeTee

    Nutes in water

    I'm not sure if you could feed your plants with just floralicious plus mixed in water as the above op mentioned, I could be wrong, I never have so can't comment much on that, I would question weather it has the proper nutrients needed alone, I use the GH Maxi Grow and Maxi Bloom, as far as...
  3. DeeTee

    Nutes in water

    Floralicious plus is an additive you add to your mixed nutes, I use it myself and think it's great, I mix my nutes as usual, adjust PH, then add 3 drops per gallon.
  4. DeeTee

    t5 bulb help!!!

    In that case I'm having a hard time thinking it's T5, I may be wrong.
  5. DeeTee

    t5 bulb help!!!
  6. DeeTee

    Marijuana Wins Big in 2014 elections!!!!

    I agree, we, at least I myself, have been smoking for many, many years and I'm still alive, tho I have to admit that unfortunately the youth will start too young and that I'm sure will breed disaster.
  7. DeeTee

    Light timer issues!

    I don't think so, you should be ok, but I'd get a new timer obviously.
  8. DeeTee

    1st grown 3weeks into flower

    Looks abt average for 3 weeks, nice going.
  9. DeeTee

    questions about my buds?

    Seems to me that because you cut the leaves your plant hasn't be able to grow to it's potential, and yes, the color of the pistles is due to genetics.
  10. DeeTee

    growing in straight perlite????

    I agree, seems to me too that the op won't accept any answers.
  11. DeeTee

    speed up flowering

    Personally I doubt one can speed up the flowering stage,
  12. DeeTee

    growing in straight perlite????

    It's called hydroponics, weather it be perlite or any other medium, I myself grow in rockwool grow cubes, I've also grew in Hydroton pebbles, it works great as long as you keep track of your ph and ppm's, end results is good smoke, he's not crazy, the question is, is perlite absorbent enough, I...
  13. DeeTee

    Please help. Stunted growth.

    They look normal to me too, is this the first time you've grown g13? I say wait they're just growing roots, need patients.
  14. DeeTee

    Sad plants :(

    You may not see them but the signs are there, some of those leaves have missing parts, I know of no nutes or whatever that causes that other than " creepy crawling things"
  15. DeeTee

    After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

    And I'm sure the NYT as well as any other paper always tells the truth without exaggeration.
  16. DeeTee

    Sad plants :(

    Looks to me that something has been eating your plants.
  17. DeeTee

    After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

    Give me a break, I'm sure there will be many more of this crap in days to come, I don't buy it and never will, it's just propaganda as usual, and you bought into it.
  18. DeeTee

    First grow ever with unknown strain using full organic soil and nutes

    Welcome to riu, would be nice to tell us abt your grow, hydro, soil, lights, indoor, outdoor etc, pics would be nice too, best of luck, we're all here to help a fellow grower.
  19. DeeTee

    plz help

    Cut it off, it will never recover.
  20. DeeTee

    How Does This Plant Look?

    I doubt you'll even get a joint from it, I wouldn't waste my time on it.