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  1. 420BongRips

    How to grow dank bud! Compost soil items

    Thanks for the input bro. That sounds like another excellent idea. I'll try that out sometime. Btw, I saw a post of yours earlier about your free government grow haha :) good shit.
  2. 420BongRips

    First Grow. 12/12 from seed. CFL's, 450w Bagseed

    Don't get too excited. At 21 days I saw little hairs and was like OMFGFOGMFOGMFOGM!@@!@!, the thing was they weren't pistils, just hairs that grow on every single marijuana plant, not sure what you call it but they're really tiny and they serve no purpose I believe.
  3. 420BongRips


    Bro, no offense, everytime I see a post saying "help my plant is dieing@@!@!" and I look at the pic and see the plant drooping looking like a wilted weed it makes me crack up, I don't know why but it's just hilarious, no offense bro I do it everytime I see this. Good luck on reviving it, let it...
  4. 420BongRips New attic grow! New attic grow!
  5. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    I was thinking about that!!!!!! What do you think the temperatures will be in the attic during a winter snow? Say... November through March?
  6. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    Yeah, I was just up in my attic 2 nights ago at like 2 am and it was in the high 70s pretty comfortable actually. My attic is bipolar :P
  7. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    I been in my attic on the hottest part of the days many times and it hits only about 100 max, I'm gunna put a thermometer up there tomorrow to check the temp on the hottest part of the day as a measurement.
  8. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    I'm using just CFLs for now, I'll add on more CFLs as I go. The temps reach maybe 100 max during the hottest part of the day. Here's the link to my new grow people.
  9. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    Thanks my bros, I'm posting a video here of my attic grow I have setup shortly. Stay tuned if you wanna see it, I'll link you guys.
  10. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    Ha I kinda figured that. I have no where else in my house except the attic really, too many people wandering around the house and moving shit. The only place no one ever goes is the attic, everyone is too damn claustrophobic in this house, idk why.
  11. 420BongRips

    Attic grow attempt ~ How does heat affect the sexes of Marijuana? (90-100 degrees)

    I'm currently setting up a grow in an attic and the temperatures are pretty hot, they feel to be at least 90 degrees, maybe even 100 in some parts, but I setup a fan near the lights and the area where I'm growing at in the attic is probably 85-95 degrees, what are the chances I will get a male...
  12. 420BongRips

    When Do Males Start Producing Pollen?

    Within 2 weeks of the balls showing up they should start spraying jizz all over the bitches.
  13. 420BongRips

    How to multiply my auto-flowering plants?

    Take your female plant and force it to hermie. If it hermies on it's own it's got shit genetics (just toss it). To force a female to hermie, stress it out by topping it, supercropping, or even sudden changes in the light schedules repetitively until you see testicles starting to form on the...
  14. 420BongRips

    i feel like my girls are slowing down , pictures........

    It just takes time sometimes, not every plant is going to be exactly the same as the other size wise. Just give it time and you should be gifted with beautiful buds.
  15. 420BongRips

    I wana grow a tree!!!

    Definetly start the grow now indoors for the next season outdoors, train it to make it bushier. Once your plant turns into a monster, it's gunna get veryyyy hungry so you're gunna have to care it like it's your child :)
  16. 420BongRips

    Top of plant died, what should I do with it now? (pics)

    Personally, I'd take clones. Especially if it's a few weeks into flowering, there's this technique called Monster Cropping. If you take clones of a plant that's at least 2 weeks into flowering it grows TONS of branches with medium sized nugs without a main stem, search it up it looks like a...
  17. 420BongRips

    Outdoor Guerilla grow!~5 mysterious bagseeds~

    Yup, next year I'm gunna do a nice outdoor grow, I'm gunna plan it alot better and have a better location picked out, and use some real seeds :P
  18. 420BongRips

    Outdoor Guerilla grow!~5 mysterious bagseeds~ Bad news, only 5 plants left, fucking animals. :( Next year I'm doing some real grows though, gunna grow some Big Bud, ak47 and some g13.