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  1. M

    My Plant Update!

    well i have7 of my 4 day old sprouts and im going to inform you guys on how they are doing all the way trough my grow! so from what i can see this is going to be better then my former site ganjatalk but here we go Plant 1- While still young seems to be doing the best. The leafs are bigger...
  2. M

    Miracle Grow?

    i have 20-20-20 plant food and its miracle grow if i use it for the veg stage then change to peters when flowering should i be good or should i just stay away from miracle grow all in general budget is limited!
  3. M

    Can i?

    do you think i get atleast 2 ounces from 4 small plants?
  4. M

    Can i?

    well im going to try the only reason i cant is because i can grow when my g ma moves in but its going to be in a grow box with a lock on it in the backyard shed she will barley goes in the shed so you think i can keep it hiddin from her for a while?
  5. M

    Can i?

    hmmm well i got nine weeks what should i do
  6. M

    Can i?

    not to bad of a space constriction more like a time constriction i have about 9 weeks left to get done with budding and right now i have some 1inch sprouts should i even try?
  7. M

    Tell Me If This Is A Good Idea?

    im growing my 10 day old sprouts about 1-2 inch high under 3 cfls and want to know if it would be a good idea if i grow them inside at night then during the day put them outside then take them back in when needed does anyone think this is a good idea?:confused:
  8. M

    Favorite Games.

    oh and i was always on socom but untill the next one comes out im in it for cs
  9. M

    Favorite Games.

    the master of all games ever COUNTERSTRIKE TAKES ALOT OF SKILL!
  10. M

    Are these balls?? Sex me up please.

    i think all first time growers are paranoid i know i am and my plants are just babies.
  11. M

    my first grow ever

    i have sprouts with little leaves on them not the normal leaf but the begining ones and i put them in a box i made with 2-25Watt CFL's that equal 200watts is this enough to do anything and if yes how close should i put them to the lights?or should i add more lights
  12. M

    Can i?

    right now they are sprouts but when they enter the vegig stage im going to veg for 2-3 weeks then try to budd
  13. M

    Can i?

    how much do you think i would get from 3 small sativas i start to flower after about 2 weeks green?
  14. M

    Can i?

    start flowering my sativa anytime i want?
  15. M

    Help am i dooomed?

    please help!
  16. M

    growing with cfls

    hey if i do the greening period indoors would i be able to do the budding outdoors? i live in southern California mind you so it wont get very cold at all?
  17. M

    Help am i dooomed?

  18. M

    Help am i dooomed?

    well is there any way to keep them small if its a Sativa mabey like being or what is toping i hear so many people say it but what do you do exactly?
  19. M

    growing with cfls

    ok what if i have 7 of them for six plants how long should that last me untill i need to upgrade?
  20. M

    Help am i dooomed?

    well thank you for solving this problem do you think you can help me with my other post?