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  1. mr.mike


    leave it outside you will get better results, its about that time so you wont have to wait too long
  2. mr.mike

    im now convinced my arjans plant is a hermie!! guted

    the shoots may be revegging, you should have left it outside you would have loved the results more. and by taking it inside you risk contaminating your clones with any pests that may have been on the outside plant.
  3. mr.mike

    im now convinced my arjans plant is a hermie!! guted

    the clones are a genetic copy of the mother plant and should be fine also...IF they go through alot of stress they can turn herm even if the mother didnt. keep them on the timer, watch what you feed them. The mother was outside and you took it in? why would you do that?
  4. mr.mike

    im now convinced my arjans plant is a hermie!! guted

    if it were a herm it would have female buds and male pollen sacks, you really wouldnt be able to miss a group of balls. still cant really tell from that pic, its better quality but not close enough. if its pushing out new shoots they will mostlikely also grow buds on them. as far as keeping it...
  5. mr.mike

    im now convinced my arjans plant is a hermie!! guted

    need better pix but i dont see any thing that looks herm.
  6. mr.mike

    Cheap and fast, like we all like it.

    read, use the search
  7. mr.mike

    Salvia Extract

    i grew my own salvia a few years ago, much harder to grow than mj. its taken me on soo many fun little trips, and i love that it doesnt last forever. i would smoke during my lunch break, trip my balls off then go back to work clear headed and happy.
  8. mr.mike

    Tell me what you think. Pics attached.

    shes starting to fill out nicely, those lights are working now. whats up with the leaves? what are you feeding her? can you get a clear shot of just a leaf?
  9. mr.mike

    New Flower To Me, Help Identify

    nice thankyou, i have fairly mild winters here so i hope it returns. +rep for your help thanks again
  10. mr.mike

    New Flower To Me, Help Identify

    awesome i need some good cover out there, its a 4x18. do they return in the next season?
  11. mr.mike

    Best books about Hydro grown marijauna ?

    dont pay for books read ppls experiences in these forums, its free and every mistake that can be made has been made and there is tons of info on any issue and how to fix it.
  12. mr.mike

    cloning trainwreck...

    ive never had problems rooting any of my other plants, but this trainwreck is testing my patience. im on my 3-4th try and all have been failure so far. has anyone else had issues cloning this strain?:confused:
  13. mr.mike

    Finding it hard to tell when my plants need water

    how do the leaves look? if they are not droopy the roots are still finding water. when they are more developed you will be watering every few days again, you will see.
  14. mr.mike

    The Greatest Story Ever Told

    i love how the church takes so much from pagan religion, ive been to a few really old churches in rome that had zodaic symbols all over the inside for "secret worship" by the ppl that were forced to build the church. i got a good laugh outta that. one even had a golden head way up high in the...
  15. mr.mike

    celiac disease ++rep

    thanks for the info. i thought it would be best used to help with the pain, i will pass the info along. +rep
  16. mr.mike

    Wierd red seedling ??

    so basically put it back...
  17. mr.mike

    Love this time of year.

    almost 9 months for me... october cant come fast enough
  18. mr.mike

    HELLPP!!!! MAYDAY! ! Anyone can help !!?!

    i hope you watered before You posted this...
  19. mr.mike

    Pistils in veg.

    if it shows such strong preflowers at an early age with veg light why not give breeding a shot ant try to capture the genetics...:confused:
  20. mr.mike

    I'm going fishing in my reservoirs!

    wow... ive seen many many of bb57 posts and 2 of yours... in no way can i swear to his name but i think i can believe his word over yours, and he has said nothing yet on this subject...