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  1. z0b

    Ocean Forest vs. Happy Frog

    Roots organic. Its not as hot as ffof bur still rough on sensitive seedlings. But for veg its more stable with lesschance of burn than ffof. A better mix
  2. z0b

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    Helix getz yoouu rippped
  3. z0b

    First Run: ISO Hash Oil (Pictures)

    Do not shake it for more than a minute.
  4. z0b

    First Run: ISO Hash Oil (Pictures)

    I went crazy for a few weeks and made like 5 batches a day and with my trial and error i found that i only shake it for 30 seconds to a minute at the most. The longer its being shaken the more chlorophyl and other unwanted crap gets in it. Also the quality of the product you put in must be...
  5. z0b

    What to start next

    Blue dream all the way
  6. z0b

    BlackCherry Soda

    I might make this part if my next grow i need to smkke some lol
  7. z0b

    How long do you hold your hits in for?

    I hold it in for a few seconds to enjoy the flavours then exhale through my nose
  8. z0b

    wtf should i do i dnt wanna get my ass kicked

    Buy more weed
  9. z0b

    Flowering stretching

    Ok so ill wait till about 1.5 feet i thnk
  10. z0b


    Right? Lol even has a door with padloock setup
  11. z0b

    No clue what soil to buy

    Roots organic. Not for seedlings as i learned but it a very good mix has everything you want right in it. Plus as the name states its. Organic
  12. z0b


    Loooked like a low watt setup or cfl bit they basicaly handed me a gow room
  13. z0b


    Im gonna do without the dehumidifier as i dont think ive gone above 50 and my exhaust dries up the room when it kicks on
  14. z0b


    What is a sub panel. They used it to grow i found bags of miracle grow and liningnin the walls they cut a ventilatiion hole in the vent of the room above it. They built the room with plywood painted it white lol.
  15. z0b


    Im on a 15 amp but deep in the bacck of my basent. No other outletsmjn sight. The person before me installed a 4 outlet. Box though
  16. z0b

    R.i.p babies

    So i found some pics of my last grow. They had a hard life. Started out under a 600. Then added a 400. Roomate threatened me with cops in an argument so 2 weeks into flower i killed all but 2 and moved the 2 to my gf's who was moving out so i then secretly moved them back to my closet but with...
  17. z0b

    Flowering stretching

    I am height limited so i dint want to flower and have them stretch to much. How much would a plant stretch after the switch. If i had a 2 foot plant what would it reach as an estimate. Does it double?
  18. z0b


    If i only run the heater when the dehumidifier is off but the heater is plugged into a timer constanntly will be good?
  19. z0b


    Dehumidifier on low 55percentSpace heater low on the dial and on fan setting
  20. z0b


    How many amps would 45 pjnt lg dehumidifier1300w space heater 600w digiral ballast