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  1. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    Hey guys, here is my plant. She is about 5 weeks in flower i do believe. I've had a biggg problem tho. All my leaves died around my buds starting at the top and working its way down due to a phosphurous def. But i got some food and fed her once at 1/2 str. It seems to be picking up again(i...
  2. Nugglet

    12/12 at 15" good or not good. pics,

    Ya man, 15" starting for flower will pop you off around 35-40. Im not sure where the guy got his 2 feet info from:S Just cause rool of thumb flowering plants double or tripple in there flowering cycle. You should have a Nice yeild bro.
  3. Nugglet

    First Grow

    It could possibly just be showing signs of sativa plants or indica. Hard to tell yet bro. You will notice a few more weeks in. The leaves will be long and pointy like fingers(sativa) or round fat(indica). Do a little reading up about them if u want. But that doesn't tell you your strain still...
  4. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    I added my nutes today... it didnt really seem to be gettin any worse or better again after 2 flush, and i know its only been 1 day but i added a little nutes today. See how they make out in the next day... Anyone have any input how long before i notice if it helps or kills my plant? Cause we...
  5. Nugglet

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    i was looking around and its like 40$ or so to make one? I do believe.. anyways i dunno man the way i think of it is the sun is wayy far away right? and it does okay, and i relise that when i put my hps like 12" away from my plant it feels like the same heat on my hand as the sun does just...
  6. Nugglet

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I do have multiple fans running in my box lol.. does anyone have a better solution? Should my plant be closer?
  7. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    Thanks bro, Hope so lol... hopefully in the next day/two ill be able to decide if i want more nutes or if when i flushed it it cleaned out those sticks
  8. Nugglet

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hey guys. This is my first post in here but i have a 150W hps set up going also :) Ill post my set up later but to go back to ur topic about the chart for a moment. My 150Hps Is about 12 inchs from my main cola... From that chart it says its to far.. But i have my hps is a reclector. Like a...
  9. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    Hey man i did check my plant after the flush and it helped the soil issue. That is for sure. My soil mixed itself up again and became softer so thats a ++:) ALso i did notice on the bottem nodes/bud sites its starting to grow healty leaves again and i do believe they wern't before. So im gonna...
  10. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    10-4 man... Its been 3 days sense i flushed it the first time i do believe and those sticks got disolved.. Ill flush again tonight. Wait 3 days and then give it nutes:P Cheers mate
  11. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    uh ohh.... spadoodios.... lmao.. just check the plant dude.. The spikes all disolved :P lmao.. um im guessing its cause i flushed it... So whats ur diagnosis? Should i flush more? Should i leave it be for a few days and see if those spikes did the trick? I did get those new nutes but i dont...
  12. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    Thanks bro I +rep'd ya. I just got back from the store and i got some actuall Flowering ferts. 15-30-15... I did flush my plant yesterday with those spikes in it and it says the spikes feed for like 60 days lol.. so im gonna go see if i can take the spikes out depending if they all desolved or...
  13. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    ya. Well i just went and checked on my plant.. no real change i dont think over night lol.. how long before i will notice new growth maybe? and what to watch for? i did notice on some of the lower bud sites nice dark dark green crystaly leaves starting so maybe the sticks and a flush did kinda...
  14. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    I thought that during flowering your plant like doubled/trippled in size bro? And about the sticks ill have to order some real nutes offline or something and hope those sticks will hold me off till they get here. haha
  15. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    I'm not in veg dude im in flower about 4 weeks in or so... lol. Um.. so i should take out the nute sticks and maybe look around for something else? it is saturday tho so i might have to wait till monday :S
  16. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    right on. they are like those little plant sticks that u like stick in the soil. I think they are just suppose to desolve over time? how long should i wait before i try another method? And Should i just start to see new healthy growth?
  17. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    Hey guys. Thanks for the replies. So im going to finalize the diagnoses with P def. So the plant sticks i put in where 4-10-5 i do believe and at walmart it was all i could find. Everything else was like redicilously high. Like 20-20-20 and 10-49-29 and shit like that lol.. And i was told to...
  18. Nugglet

    Another root issue :S

    Hey guys alright i've been posting threads and pictures for a while and everyone kinda has a few opinions of why my plant is dying, the leaves just started drying on the top and working its way down the plant... usually where the bud sites are. But here is what i did find out today. 1 plant...
  19. Nugglet

    Why is my plant dying?! +rep!

    haha i got a few people telling me its nute burn and some people telling me its defitency lol... No one really has a real answer? lmao. I have not given it any nutes ever so im guessing its not a nute burn. However i did use pre fert soil but it worked fine till now... anyways maybe that soil is...
  20. Nugglet

    Why is my plant dying?! +rep!

    okay thanks man. Tomorrow i will go to the store and try to find some sort of nutes for flowering/blooming at walmart, its pretty much the only store i got to go with lol.. so The NPK ratio i should be looking for for flowering is what my man?