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  1. Nugglet

    Did I flush properly?

    Just use a few 5 gallon pails of water dude.. let them sit out for a day and PRESTO!
  2. Nugglet

    temperature and humidity

    Anywhere around 80 is fine for temps and ur Humidity is fine. Usually they say like 50-60 is great for veg. When mine got low i put a glass of water in my box to raise it. Bud when ur flowering you want ur humidity low. 30-40 so u don't get mold in ur buds :) cheers guys and gl with ur grow.
  3. Nugglet

    Did I flush properly?

    Yeah man, Sounds perfect. You gave plunty of water. Did you notice any colour in ur run off water? If there was lots of nutes in there it should have a yellow tint to it. Well mine did anyways lol.. Sounds like ur heading right up the perfect route man. Cheers :) Send me some pics of ur yield
  4. Nugglet

    whats the best cfl for flowering?

    You looking for like a brand name? i used 42 wat 2700K. I think its like 14$ for two? Dont remember the brand name
  5. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    this is true. I can dig it. lol cheers man. I was just giving my two cents. But ya i see ur point :)
  6. Nugglet

    Getting Ready For My Second Grow

    Ya man you can make cooltubes. Take a look at the DIY (do it yourself) threads and there is lots of guides to making ur own cooltube. More or less its an object that u put ur balb in with constant airflow through this tube to keep the heat off ur plants so u can put it at the idea height
  7. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    Yes i agree you have more experience. But why would he toss a plant instead of testing some stuff? I mean its not dead? at least play it out somewhat?
  8. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    ya man, dont just toss the plant, you cant get any worse then it is so just try some stuff. Might get lucky :)
  9. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    this is true.. forgot about that. Lol i was just pissin in the wind seeing if we could help the guy haha.
  10. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    depending on his stem couldn't he bend it? Like kind of wrap it around the pot under the soil? know what i mean? it looks pretty flimsy and not to stiff so bending it shouldnt be to hard?
  11. Nugglet

    Getting Ready For My Second Grow

    my grow box is very similar dimensions. Its one of those pantry things u can get all walmart for like 80 $. Works amazing :) But i only grow 1 plant at a time and i use a 150hps. But ur 400 would like work amazing. U will need a cooltube tho.
  12. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    The plant is not fucked by any means. Just buryin it to the first set of leaves. Get a few more cfls and put them about 2" away. Put ur hand on ur plant and if u cant keep it there without the lights burning it its perfect.
  13. Nugglet

    Pics of my plant help please

    Okay, First off. Welcome to RIU, second. Slowwww down mate... haha relax. This is a chill spot. Anyways first things first. Yank all those testers out of ur soil haha. Only put them in when you wanna test :). Now Ur cfl is fine. Make sure it is 6500K. And use 2700K for flowering. You will prob...
  14. Nugglet

    How to post pics

    For real? lol just when u create a thread scroll down till you see a spot called "Manage attachments" i do believe is whats its called. A little box should come up and click upload then scroll through ur computer and find ur pictures and upload away :)
  15. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    Sounds good. How often tho? usually i water every 3-4 days. So should i feed her everytime or every othertime?
  16. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    come on peeps :P need some input lol. comments, anything :P
  17. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    yup i have one. Its a 5" fan i do believe. One of the 10$ walmart ones :P its actually blowing from a few inchs below and beside the light. Blowing right up at it and towards my exhaust :P
  18. Nugglet

    Quick question

    ur tiger bloom is for flowering. And for ur lighting question ur gonna have to give some details of what lights ur using before we can tell u how many ya need:P
  19. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    That is what i though but heat was an issue for a little bit? My HPS is like 12" away or so. But it has one of those Dome like reflectors. I can put my hand on the top of my bud and it doesnt really get hot. Its quite warm but i can stand it.. Should i build a cooltube?
  20. Nugglet

    Check my baby :)

    im using schults i do believe. I dont remember the NPK ratio but it was for flowering.