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  1. S

    Check out our Hydro/bubbleponic Grow cabinet...

    This has to be one of the most ghetto grows I've ever seen on this site. There is so much wrong here that I still can't believe you are for real. Tin foil, LED flashlights, beer for co2, driveway rocks, miracle grow...oh my. Not sure where you did your research but you are doing everything...
  2. S

    Ducting Effects on Fan CFM

    Here's an example restriction curve chart. They vary by fan but this'll give you an idea on how restrictions affect CFM.
  3. S

    hows my cab

    Sweet setup. How old are they?
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Shit's looking good still. I was forced to tie down the trainwreck since the biggest plant kept falling over. The only solid thing around to tie it to is the tent pole, so that is what I did. Moved white widow to 12/12 today. Pics two days later than promised... Come into my tent: TW...
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    150 watt hps/ 250 watt hps

    The socket and reflector can be separated.
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    150 watt hps/ 250 watt hps
  7. S

    bagseed pics +rep

    Oh it was still good but not as good as it could have been. The potency and quality of smoke were way better than the bag I found the seed in. The high was very heady, almost hallucinogenic to the point of being dissociative. A lot of the top-shelf shit I get at the dispensaries isn't as good...
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    150 watt hps/ 250 watt hps

    I picked up my 150w from Decent prices, great customer service, and fast shipping.
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    bagseed pics +rep

    Thanks and back at ya. That picture was taken a week before the fans failed while I was on vacation, practically ruining the harvest. Apparently, cannabis doesn't do well in 120 degree heat for a few days.
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    bagseed pics +rep

    The bagseed I grew for my last grow was some dank shit.
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    shipping seeds to your grow address, how many do it?

    I've done it twice before and I'll do it again. If anybody has seriously been served a warrant for having seeds shipped to their house, I would really like to know. Otherwise, I chalk it up there with typical stoner paranoia.
  12. S

    watt costs? are 400 watts of hps the same cost as 400 watts of cfl?

    Technically, they are equal but a HID ballast draws more than what its rated for. For example, my 150w draws 3.25a which equates to 390w on a 120v circuit. My 600w pulls 5.5a which is 660w.
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    Clocks forward?

    My timer adjusted for DST before I even knew we were an hour ahead. Time changes always seem to sneak up on me.
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    Greenhouse seeds favourite strain......

    Got 7 GHS TW plants starting week 4 of flower in a DWC. I hope they turn out as good as they look.
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    HUMBOLDT NUTRIENTS? Anyone used em before??

    I'm trying out Humboldt Master A/B on my current grow and the results have been awesome so far. I love the simplicity of the feeding chart.
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    Stealth Hydro-WARNING

    Did you spam 16 existing threads with the same post? No. Did you post in my grow journal? No. Why would I be talking to you?
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    Where to find pre filters locally ?

    Sounds like it could work to me. Really anything to keep the carbon contained will work. Pantyhose tears pretty easily, so if you use that, I'd use a few layers.
  18. S

    Where to find pre filters locally ?

    Its more for keeping out large particles. You don't absolutely need one unless you are using it to secure the carbon somehow. It wouldn't have to be any special material as long as it kept out large particles without restricting airflow significantly.
  19. S

    Best Way to Vent 3x3x7 Grow Tent

    6" fan to go with your 6" filter. You could get away with a 4" but I think its better to have more ventilation than not enough. No intake fan, passive intake only to maintain negative pressure. Should keep it nice and cool in there.
  20. S

    How far should my lights be?

    Not quite... I'll just copy and paste some info I found on converting from one to the other: