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  1. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Nice! Yep, I hear CSU is one of the best vet schools in the country. You must have a very smart GF. Are you going to grad school as well? I've been tossing up the idea but I've had enough school for a while. Yes, Odell's is my favorite in town. You really can't go wrong with anything they...
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    I'm almost out of the Master A/B since I used way too much and I have a lot of water to add nutes to...60 gallons. I'm pretty sure a small setup like yours could get through multiple grows on a quart of each. All the other questions I answered in my thread. We're kind of skipping back and...
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    406 Watts one outlet, power strip, timer

    Most space heaters pull at least three times that much wattage. You'll be fine.
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Yeah, redundant systems are the best way to ensure any failure doesn't take out your whole crop. Each of my pump is running three stones, two in one tub and one in the other just in case of pump failure. Humboldt Master A/B has been good so far but I was using too much of it. A little bit...
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Yeah, the BB and TB work in both soil and hydro. The GB is the only one that is soil or hydro specific. BB is the biggest cause of the nasty water, so I wouldn't use that if you are sticking with the FF lineup. Just use the hydro specific GB and TB. I'm using Humboldt's Master A&B nutes...
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    So you have the hydro specific 3-2-6 grow big I assume? The 6-4-4 stuff for soil won't work. Not sure what the other drawbacks are but I'd think the reservoir would be more susceptible to pH swings while the organic sewage soup is being broken down by the bacteria. Can't really comment...
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Very nice, I'll be following along. Now that you've gone hydro, are you sticking with the FF lineup? It'll work fine as long as you can put up with the brown slimy roots but just a heads-up...
  8. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Nice looking setup! The plants should just explode with growth once they start creating new roots. I'm going to subscribe and follow along with you. I keep my pH within 5.5 to 6.5 but aim for around 5.7 right after adjustment. As long as it is within range, pH isn't that big of a deal. It...
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    I got electrocuted

    Stapling up christmas lights in the dark while they're plugged in...dumb idea. Made me cry, not because of the pain but because of the startle. It was pretty damn painful, though. And if we're being technical here, you wouldn't be typing or breathing for that matter if you were electrocuted...
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    SOme confusion; gender related

    Just wanted to pop in and say awesome thread title...made me chuckle. +rep.
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    Crazy. Who's it from? I wish growing equipment just showed up at my front door.
  12. S

    How to make a giant bush?

    LST for sure. Tie the main stem around the pot rim and you'll have a bush for sure with tons of bud sites. I've had great success with it for both maximizing yield and minimizing plant height in my previous soil grows.
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    My Sissy questions about CFL vs HPS wattage

    The electricity usage is going to be pretty similar to what you are using now since it takes 400w to burn the bulb plus some wattage to run the ballast. You'll see much better results, so any difference can be easily offset by increased yields and denser buds. I didn't notice any significant...
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    Fan leaves Question

    PPMs are way too high for plants of that size. I'll bet you're overfeeding them.
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    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    I use Humboldt Master A&B with Ginormous. Seems to work really well so far but I'm only a week into flowering.
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    Brown spots & Leaf edges curling up (pics)!

    Different strains are going to react differently to the same conditions. Your issue looks to be from too high of a nute concentration. Give this a read, it should clear up some of your questions.
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    Whats the best 600w HPS E-bay bulb????

    Not sure how long it'll last but the price is right and its bright as fawk:
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    can she get wet yet?

    Shit I move them to dwc right after germination. Go whenever you're ready. Just be gentle with the roots...the less damage, the better.
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    How to keep your roots white and healthy.

    Yeah, the FF is whats making your roots brown and slimy. Switch to a chemical fertilizer like I did and your roots will be sparkly white again. But if you don't care about discolored roots and slimy water, the FF nutes work just fine. They are just better suited for soil grows.
  20. S

    my plants not got strong smell and its starting to bud

    And you're still subed? Lol! Shit I hate it when I'm stoned and forget to check the dates. :dunce: And it doesn't help when noobs resurrect them from the dead to ask a question about a long dead plant. wtf