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  1. S


    I use $20 digital dual-outlet ones from home depot. Walmart sells them too. You don't need anything fancy if you are just controlling your lights.
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    Easy Ryder Odor?

    Thanks. Yes, with the door closed it was odorless. The filter was good at what it did. Since I don't have any reference to the power of it, I'm not sure if you could get away with a lighter duty filter. The afghan kush ryder I was also growing was essentially odorless. The yield was pretty...
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    lol, no master's here but I did spend my entire college career....ON WEED! Ever take a final...on weed? Plants are good. Pics tomorrow when the lights come back on. I've got a trainwreck jungle in there.
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    Fit three times as many plants in any grow

    VertiSOGLST? +rep for the pics and interesting idea. Sounds too complicated for my baked mind to comprehend right now.
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    Easy Ryder Odor?

    Its pretty stinky and will definitely require a filter. I grew one my last grow and it was the most pungent of the three strains.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Yeah, you have so much bubble action that the mixing is done almost instantaneously. I don't wait very long before checking the EC or pH. Do you have an EC meter or are you going to refill your buckets every week with fresh solution?
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    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    Nice journal. I wish I could be organized in any way. I just keep all the numbers in my head. Some day I'm sure it'll bite me in the ass but hasn't yet. So how's the smoke?
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    600 watts LED and 90 Watts CFL grow room

    Plants don't look so healthy...burnt up and deficient. Is that coco you're growing in? Hope you get it sorted out, those sound like some tasty strains.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Good to know it works but be careful doing that excessively. The combination of acid and base creates unnecessary salts in the water. Really the less you mess with the pH, the better. Get it within 5.5-7.0 and you're good.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Yeah, drop the water level. You have tons of bubble action, so you should see roots within a few days looking for the water. They grow super fast. Not sure what to tell you about the pH stuff. It does take a lot more than 2ml of pH down to drop 20 gals of water in my res into a reasonable...
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    pics grow cabs let me know what you think

    Very nice! Very top notch work and stealthy too. Good luck.
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    Ready or not?

    Wait for the hairs to recede back into the bud a little more. They are close...probably within two weeks I'd say.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Good shit. I hope those nutes work out for you. I guess we have almost identical setups because I have a couple buckets too. The discolored leaves looks like a deficiency to me. The plants just look hungry, so give them some food. Do you have a EC/TDS meter? I really suggest getting one if...
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    how to adjust pH

    Organic acids like vinegar and citric acid are not good ways to adjust the pH. They don't keep it low very long like a chemical acid does. Get some pH down or do this if you can make it to an automotive store:
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    Figure This Led Haters

    Show me a grow from start to finish that used only LED's and had a yield worth a damn and maybe I'll be more swayed. I guess I'd be butthurt too if I spent as much on a light than an entire hps tent setup and got lame results.
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    When to start flowering?

    They look pretty small to throw into flower so soon. I'd let them get some more growing done before flipping the lights unless you have height restrictions.
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    DWC w/ a little soil?

    Sounds like a horrible idea. Go ahead and try but I'm pretty sure there is nothing soil can provide that nutes won't except a big nasty mess. If you want to make organic sewage soup tea, stick to soil growing.
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Good point. I have a business degree, so I don't really need grad school like an engineer or science major would to get decent employment. Its really more about who you know, how much motivation you have, and how competent you are at what you do. My mom just retired from a 250k a year...
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    Yes, that should clear up any confusion. I'm pretty sure you want to be using the recirculating feeding schedule (at least I hope because otherwise I've been doing it wrong for 6 weeks, lol). If they give you any good tips, let me know. I want to be sure I'm doing this right.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    I think you are looking at the wrong feeding chart. The recirculating hydro schedule doesn't use Verde and actually recommends against using it in that type of system. The schedule you are looking at is for a drain-to-waste setup like soil, coco, or hempy. I know of people using the...