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    250 w HPS question

    I veg and flower exclusively under HPS.
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    what strains like how much nutes

    Wait, so you're blaming the shop owner because you don't know how to use a pH meter? AN is high quality stuff (albeit overpriced beyond belief) so if you had a problem, it was your error. You're awfully quick to deflect the blame especially considering the huge wealth of information right in...
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    Kush Grow Op....Violator Kush-Barney's Farm

    I hear ya. That strain looks especially torturous to trim with all those little leaves in there. Looks great either way.
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    Ventalation For A Tent Grow Op

    You need one of these: Save yourself the hassle of discovering first-hand the duct booster is a terrible fan and do it right the first time.
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    Penor's First Grow

    Nice looking plants. Subscribed. The problem with the clone looks to be pH related. Looks like a lot of deficiencies at once and that tells me that some lockout may have occurred.
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    Kush Grow Op....Violator Kush-Barney's Farm

    Looks good but you still have alot of manicuring to do to make those buds smokable. I'll be following your other grow. I've got a beastly LA woman about two weeks into flower. Should be a heavy yielder.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    They look hungry to me. The yellowing leaves shows N def and the purple stems show P def. This is where an EC meter would come in handy to know what is going on with the nute concentration. You may have a really hardy strain that wants more than Humboldt suggests.
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    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    Wow, my guess on yield during our pm's was dead on. I estimated around 6 zips. Very nice looking buds. Glad they smoke well.
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    I'm seeing leaf curling? You're probably overfertilizing them.
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    Chocolope strain

    I picked some up from the dispensary a few weeks back and it was fire. Some of the best tasting and potent bud I've smoked in a while.
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Yes, they are huge. They should yield pretty nicely, I hope... lol, you are excused in that case... bongsmilie Damn, coming from the TW sensei himself means a lot. Hopefully I wont disappoint and this strain won't disappoint. Thanks. :blsmoke: Have you smoked your harvest yet? If not...
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    400hps IN 2x2 foot homebox xs? Bad idea?

    Heat isn't an issue? Well, then go with the 400w for sure.
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    Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit

    You're going to want to lightproof that cloning tub or you'll have an algae farm in there. Looks good otherwise...
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    grow box help?

    I keep the fan on 24/7. Otherwise, my room smells like weed when I wake up since the lights are out at night. You may have to experiment to find the right amount of intake holes. You want to have a little bit of negative pressure inside the cab to keep the stink in. I'd start drilling 3 or...
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    should I move to flowering?

    You can flower anytime but like stoney said, you can grow it out for a bigger yield if you have the room. Do you have a separate area for flowering? Nice looking plants, btw.
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    The timers I use have a 15A capacity. A 600w appliance won't draw anywhere near that.
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    grow box help?

    Yep, if you wanted to save on wood costs you could do a diy tent and line the wooden frame with panda film walls. As long as you have a sturdy frame, it doesn't matter what the walls are made out of. And the way you picture the ventilation routing is exactly the way I exhaust my tent.
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Thanks bro! They are little shrubs just taking everything over. The competition between plants for the light is almost hilarious. They've been in 12/12 for 10 days now. They can't get much taller since the light is almost at its max height. I hope they finish growing by the beginning of next...
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Pics, like promised. RIP pH challenged plant, it was recovering too slowly for me and I'm pretty sure most of the rootball was dead from the acid overdose. Now, I'm running at 50% capacity on my tent (9 plants right now) but I've got 6 LA woman clones under the dome, two white widow seeds that...
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    Nutrient Line-up Thoughts Opinions??

    Avoid organic nutes like FF in hydro unless you don't mind slimy gunky water and equally nasty roots. I've tried FF in my DWC and it was just a mess. Find a good chemical nute and you'll be much happier.