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  1. S

    moving up. blunt to bong (big step) 3rd = vaperizor?

    I've got a Da Buddha and I wouldn't trade it for anything. The herb tastes so much better, lasts longer, and is way less harsh. I definitely recommend it to anyone thinking about it. Great price, USA built and great support from the manufacturer. Take a look at it or the Silver Surfer...
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    Speedster and Fan Growl

    I've got one of these on a speedster and it doesn't growl or hum at any speed. You can just hear the airflow slowing or speeding up.
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    pH Meter Question

    Should get the PPM/pH Hanna combo meter for a few $ more. Kill two birds with one stone.
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    how to tell if I'm done with flowering?
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    Hydro Tank Smell

    Yeah, you want it light PROOF. Any light coming in invites algae to grow. Paint or tape the lid to keep the light out.
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    Most Effecient way's to drain your reservoir?

    I use a 5 gal bucket to fill and refill my big totes since I can't lift 20 gal of water. I made a little PVC frame that I set the lid w/ plants on while I'm doing all this. Bitches are three feet tall too, so I've got to unzip the whole front of the tent to get them out cleanly.
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    The best ph tester $$$ can buy???

    I've got a Hanna meter. It was like $35 on ebay and it gets the job done just fine. Since it doesn't have to be super accurate, you don't need to go out spending a ton of money for something that does the same thing for less.
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    Honey I blew up the Grow Room....oh shit

    Shit, those are some great pics of mouthwatering buds. Can't wait to see what you do with the new room. Definitely sub-ed.
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    marbles grow

    She wasn't anywhere near done at 7-8 weeks. I would have waited another two weeks at least to chop, probably more. Those buds don't look done at all to me.
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    Hydro Tank Smell

    How light-proof is it? My only guess is you've got algae forming. I'm using the same nutes but I haven't noticed any odd smell coming from the water.
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    can you grow in SAND??

    The aeration is very poor when wet, I don't think the roots would receive enough oxygen. Perlite is close enough to can grow in that.
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    Built it myself

    Fox farm is great....if you're growing in soil. For hydro, I recommend a chemical fertilizer to keep the water and roots clean. You can use the FF in hydro but be prepared for the nasty water that comes along with organic fertilizers.
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    Mother plants vs. buying clones

    Way cheaper to have your own mother plant and make your own clones. $120 a month on rooted clippings sounds like a complete waste to me.
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    buying 3 reg autos? worth it

    Yep grew one last time around. Took as long as a normal photoperiod plant but yielded about half as much. After that unfulfilling experience, I'm never, ever growing an auto strain again. I fell for the hype but in retrospect I can't understand the appeal...they aren't that much faster, they...
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    Figure This Led Haters

    I want to try one of these out but at $160 a pop, that ain't gonna happen.
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    Built it myself

    Awesome, keep us updated. You're definitely on the right track. Any idea what nutes you are going to use with the hydro setup?
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    Built it myself

    WTF is soil doing in your hydro setup? lol just when I thought I've seen everything.... Get an inert medium in there any you'll be on the right track.
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Interesting idea but I don't think that is possible with this tent. Both the floor and ceiling are zipped all the way around to the walls. Also not sure how much clearance I'd get from it to ensure it was worth the effort. They aren't quite as bushy anymore since I cut off all the budsites on...
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    Yes you can.
  20. S

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Exactly. The dispensaries get the leftovers or stuff that wasn't good enough for someone down the supply chain to snatch up. Unfortunately, the number of people I know and trust AND can grow weed I would want to smoke is a very limited number. Once I harvest my own crop in a couple months, I...