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  1. D

    small dressor set up, what will do for lighting?

    cfl can give you good bud, and is the way to go if you will have heat probs? you have a small grow spase, can you give it proper venting? thats whot you need to ask yor self????
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    hps bulbs

    thank you garden knowm,, as i was thinking is it werth geting new? or do a grow or to with them?? but i dont no if thay are as new as im told??:peace:
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    hps bulbs

    hi to you all, doss any one no if you can tell when an hps bulb is neer the end of its life? as i got given 2 400w bulbs that are ment to be 6 weeks old? but how can i tell if its tro??:peace:
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    small space for a 400 watt hps, will it work? fire hazard?

    you need a foot from the light to the top of the plant, then you got the plant pot, so thats 2 foot gon? and then you got to grow yor plant?? you wood never get rid of the heat of a 250w let alone a 400w,,you need 6 feet hi by 3x3, with a cooled hood and a exit an intake fan,,,
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    Second grow

    looking nice dr high,,mine have just shown there sex it took them about 10 day, so you and me are close on are grows?? you will no the sex soon? im going to post sum pics tomorow, good luck,,
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    Male or female

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    my new babys

    day 10 of flowering and gess whot?? 3 girls,,,out of 4 plants, dont no about thay last one and its the bigist one so cud be a boy? but im a bit pist off as i sprouted 6 moor seeds as i thort thay was all boys, and i have got 12 moor clons that are looking very good, so il have to chuk the...
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    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    hi tm21thc,,i have sent you them seeds 8x skunk#1 and 6x cal,orange,, you will get them sat-monday?? as its along way to go? just get that hps,up an runing, a frend of mine has just put to seed an ak48 so il be geting lots of seeds soon,,,cant wate,,never grown ak48,,lol
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    Male or Female?

    is this the light??:peace:
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    Male or Female?

    thats not a light of a push bike? is it? thats whot i got from google
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    Is it at all practical to grow in a dorm room?

    can you tell us the grow size you have got? whot can you spend? and can the grow room be seeld off?
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    Male or Female?

    ziv2002,,,do you no if it an hps or mh or a cfl ?? 500v dont tell us whot tipe of light it is? get sum pics of it,,
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    Male or Female?

    whot light timeing are you on? 12/12? and whot tipe of light have you got? as you say 500v?
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    Looking for grow buddy

    i no, i dont let them go for so long normaly, but bin working flat out, but thay will be ok,,:peace:
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    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    get a 400w hps mate, you will never look back,,,,
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    small dressor set up, what will do for lighting?

    hps are best for flowering, that light will grow 2 small plants, but you are going to have problem with the heat, is that light al in one unit with the balist inside?
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    big budz... 4 days till chop...bluewidow

    very nice,,, can you post us how much dry bud you get when thay are redy?? looks nice an fick bud,,,:joint::mrgreen:
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    Enough light?

    you will need to chang there possitions every day? to grow all of them, but thay will be fine,,,,good luck
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    my new babys

    i no it dont look like it but thay are in 3gal pots, and for sum resin thay alwas look droopy? thay had 3 litres of water on them today,,,thanks to you all,,,:peace:
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    my new babys

    hi i just took these pics to day, thay are 36 days old, and have bin on 12,12 for 9 days, i have took 4 clones of each plant when i whent to 12,12 thay are lookin good, i can tell the sex of just one plant wich is a girl,brill,,,,lol,,i got them under a 400w hps as my 600w balist burnt...