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  1. D

    Can I harvest @ 6 weeks of Flowering?

    take a pic of the hole plant for us? and whots the set up with them cfl?
  2. D

    need some experienced advice on how many will grow off a 250 son agro

    you can grow 2 or 3 plants with that light but i wood flower them small 10" or so? dont no whot yeild you will get? but a frend got 3os per plant with a 250w hps, w,w, good luck
  3. D

    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    it is good to see i being done, first time i have sin anyone grow with them, very cool grow+rep:mrgreen:
  4. D

    please help should i trim my plants they are getting very bushy

    go in to advanced, click on the paper clip,,,
  5. D

    the lost propeller strain

    lost??,,just like them seeds that sum one found in a 2000 year old pot,,,,lol
  6. D (one of the good ones)

    so thay put there customers first?? its good to no, thanks,,
  7. D

    please help should i trim my plants they are getting very bushy

    hi no1,,can you posts sum pics?? and how big is yor grow room, whot light have you got?? how meny plants??
  8. D

    Can I harvest @ 6 weeks of Flowering?

    keep yor hands off of them,,,,,,,let them go for a couple of weeks,,,,dont do it,,lol,thay will fatin up in the next week ot too,,,:mrgreen:
  9. D

    50W Killer Setup GOD knows how many LUMENS!

    there has bin lots of thread wher seeds have bin swoped in the past:peace:
  10. D

    small dressor set up, what will do for lighting?

    how old are you??
  11. D

    gettin rid of we smell

    burn a car tyre in the room with you,,,,,,,,,lol
  12. D

    walf in my grow room

    i got this sod in my grow room last week, and he was big about 3.5" its a walf spider, loots about naw,,,,,,,girls love them,,,,,,,????:mrgreen:
  13. D

    i'm gonna take a nap

    he is geting old?? i just got up,,,,lol
  14. D

    What you listening to right now?

    my girl havein a go at me,, but naw im going to tell her to fuck off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
  15. D

    Is it at all practical to grow in a dorm room?

    so get 5 or 6 cfl,s about 30-42watts so no heat probs? i have a d-ion air filter and it works well,,but a carbon filter is lots beter, then set it up, just dont tell any one,,,,
  16. D

    germin' a bean - a tutorial

    i put my seeds under light,,on the wet towel,and it work well for me, wer did yo get that plumer? hes not super maro??,,:mrgreen:
  17. D

    250 watt hps

  18. D

    Cloning.. Do i really need those humidity domes???

    just use the bottom of plastik bottles?? to you get it sortid?
  19. D

    hps bulbs

    the mate i got given them be is given growing up,,,[to old],,so did not pay for them,,,,lol just dont no if thay are as new as he thinks,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,:peace: