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  1. D

    a few pics of my freshly started lst and topped plants

    how small are you ceeping them? and how big is yor grow room? good luck!!
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    Mylar Install

    try double sided carpit tape it works well for me but stapal gun will work very well to
  3. D Wicked Price is it for Real or is it Another Bud Depot?

    yep my cat last yer chuw up one of my NL BIG BUD i think thay like it as much as us?
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    Weed Farmer Seeds?

    next time try greenhouseseeds ther not to deer and come qwik. if you haveint got them in 21 days id giv up on them as you will never get yor money back
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    my chit is going to rock!

    fucking cool have a smoke for me!!
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    Dehumidifer water

    try and getit tested but iv used it and it was ok for me
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    1000w hps on ebay for les than £55

    cool iv got 600w hps at the moment and a sepret clf grow which is a bit of fun. its me and a mate that are thinking of geting a 1000w system to get lots of weed as it costs £15 gram. we have got the heat side of it sortid but i mite make a coold hood for the light i have to see how hot it...
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    seed banks?

    a mate of mine got sum f13 from the hemp depot (canada) he had them within 4 days but thay wer deer at £170 pp to the uk
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    how to set up a grow

    Hi videoman40 i cud not type or spell at all intill last yer as iv got bad dyslexia but im geting abit beter I HOPE thanks
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    motherboard fan

    He meens a CPU fan sum older pc have 4 wires
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    how to set up a grow

    How can you rite that good when you are of yor head? it is rily good
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    1000w hps on ebay for les than £55

    iv sin 2 complete 1000w HPS systems on ebay in the last 4 or 5 of days go for less than £55. thay are starting to get rily chep. so im going to try an get one very soon with a dual spectrum light. i dont no if it will be any beter? and 600w sem to go for a bit moor than the 1000w werd?:joint:
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    male or female

    take a closeup of it an post it
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    why do they have to stink so much!!!!

    glade plugin clean linen works rily wel and is cheep to
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    UPDATE: CFL 46 days Flower (bagseed)

    it shows you can stil get good bud cfl,s good going
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    paid pig informints ther is lots about iv had 3 good mates busted in the last yer
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    y when i look on sum sites white widow is say 12%thc and other sites its 21.5%thc is there lots of diffferent tipes of white widow?
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    Spiders in the grow room

    spiders only eat meet so it wont hert yor weed try and sea wots its caching? and living on
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    About to do my first harvest

    thay look very tasty whot light setup have you got?
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    What strain/strains are you growing now?

    california orange and some northern lights big bud and to day i just got some white widow CANT WAIT and 2 weeks ago i crackd my great white sharks thay are growing rilly fast!!