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  1. hogbud

    How to tend a Mother?

    intensity/brightness 2 to 4 T5 bulbs 2 feet or more off the canopy
  2. hogbud

    veg'ing for yeild

    are they already in the 5 gallon pots? if not start em in a small pot, grow em to bout 17 inches then remove all but the top leaves (top 2 nodes) and plant em in the 5 gallon with the naked stem buried, you should now have what looks like a young un in a 5 gallon pot, veg it to 20 ~ 24 inches...
  3. hogbud

    Quality Bloom Booster?

    So good to see proper advice being given, a lot of these post lean organic so I'll throw in the chem side the only nute you need is Jack's Citrus FeeD 20-10-20 I use it all the way thru to the end and never use a booster of any kind
  4. hogbud

    Ready to Flush?

    as one that started it hard here years ago it is very refreshing to see this many people say don't flush BRAVO !!!!!!
  5. hogbud

    How to tend a Mother?

    a lot less light, will keep it alive and make it grow slow
  6. hogbud

    mh or hps

    what is your intended goal? if you want yield use your HPS if you want quality use your MH. or as already said use em both for best of both worlds potency & yield
  7. hogbud

    Ventilation question

    anything that does not create negative pressure will work
  8. hogbud

    First Grow, Does this look normal?

    looks normal to me, water lightly with that soil !!!
  9. hogbud

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    that is not completely true, yes THC degrades to CBN over time but it has never been found in fresh MJ, it takes 6 months of improper storage for it to even begin. I have been researchin this for months LOL
  10. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    yes it needs light but not direct light, more like the light to keep a mom alive and yes it matters
  11. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    I only ever topped a plant once, I def prefer monster cropping, do it most every time
  12. hogbud

    NewB Help First Grow, Outdoors

    food = nutes
  13. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    not really, I have a regular re-veg going now and it looks the same as it did the first time the monster cropped clones always grow wierd so you really never know what they are gonna do?
  14. hogbud

    NewB Help First Grow, Outdoors

    They want food and they are outside so bugs are eaten em
  15. hogbud

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    I see some minor foxtailing, so yes it could put on a bit more weight and once they start turning amber it can go pretty fast it all depends. if you let em go you should check em everyday
  16. hogbud

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Still don't see any amber
  17. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    Thank You, I'm lovin the questions
  18. hogbud

    Does this lady look overwatered?

    You are right they do look over watered but since they are outside it could be a humidity thing
  19. hogbud

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    looks like all cloudy to me, if you want a racy head high you could chop, I would wait a week or 2 if they were mine
  20. hogbud

    kind of cool

    cool and sweet but totally bogus LOL